Commander Chris O’Connor

Chris O’Connor incarnated on Earth in 1968 in Glendale, California, USA. Chris was an award-winning student in high school winning, (but unfortunately not receiving), The National Merit Award in 1984, an honor reserved for a single student chosen from among all American high school students. Chris’ life journey has allowed him access to the feature film industry and to work shoulder-to-shoulder with A list celebrities. Chris was a journalist working for the largest international publishers. Chris also researched, designed and built exhibitions for some of the best known and acclaimed science museums around the world.

Chris says when I chose to incarnate through my parents, it was because I felt that through them, I could most easily find my way into being taken at the age of 2 years old into the Secret Space Program also called the SSP, (a generic term commonly used for several secretly established space programs here on Earth). There, I would recall many of my memories of who I was and why I had chosen to be incarnate on Earth so that I may be of assistance to the Confederation of Planets; an organization with whom I had been closely working for many, many years. This assistance would come in the form of disclosure, assisting the ascension of humanity, and working with many alien species throughout the solar system and galaxy as a representative of Earth through the United Nations and the US based SSP.

After multiple near death and out-of-body experiences leading to many years of deep introspection and inner seeking, Chris learned the importance of understanding the universe to be a consciousness and that ALL things are based in vibration and frequency. This led him to understanding the subtle energies available to us all. In 2020, Chris invented the DEEMS Device. Through a powerful magnetic field, the DEEMS Device focuses ambient Earth energy, creates a slight piezoelectric energy, and creates a vortex of energy used to work with the nervous system to relieve pain, assist in healing and balance the body’s energy system.

Presentation: MEDBEDS 



International VIP Speaker, SIR BILL WALSH®


 Business Coach, Venture Capitalist, CEO/Founder of Powerteam International, World-Renowned Speaker, Successful Entrepreneur, Marketing Expert, Radio, Internet, and Television Celebrity

Bill Walsh® is the CEO/Founder of Business Coaching/Venture Capital firm Powerteam International. Bill hosts and speaks at events all over the world! His passion is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners to create massive success. He loves to help people to understand specifically what it takes to build successful companies. He is an accomplished author, speaker, radio personality and movie celebrity, He has a very successful background in finance and marketing. He has spent two decades working with start-ups to major global brands increasing sales, productivity, and overall success. He is an innovator with a remarkable ability to determine and dictate success strategy to seize global market opportunities.

For everyone that owns a business or would like to capitalize the entrepreneurial dream his message will enlighten them with knowledge and action principles to turn that passion into success! Bill has an extensive background in foreign currency trading, real estate development and building companies around the world. Over the past two decades, he has specialized in helping companies launch, grow and create exponential valuation in the market. The Rainmaker Summit and WIN University® programs offered through Powerteam are designed to assist entrepreneurs in creating the focus, plans and partnerships required to build multi-million-dollar companies!

Presentation at the Dinner banquet Friday OCT 18TH, 2024, from 7 to 11 PM, BALLROOM P3

How to Survive & Thrive in any Economy




After getting an honors degree in mathematics, Phillip Wilson had an out-of-body experience in 1970, started meditating, and in 1971 had a Kundalini awakening, which propelled him into another dimension, guiding him to start fasting and drastically change his diet.  in 1980, he opened an herbal natural super foods specialty shop and distributing company focusing on promoting massage tools and products increasing one’s awareness and perceptual acuity.

In 2001, Phil discovered the magic of Far infrared Saunas.  After 20 years of experiencing and promoting the benefits of cleansing and purifying far infrared sweats, Phil is uniquely qualified to talk about how far infrared energy purifies and cleanses all the bodies of man in order to open one up to divine joy.


Therapeutic Benefits of far infrared energy


Shinto Master Healer Benton Ryer

Benton is a modern mystic with a powerful healing ability that needs to be experienced to be believed. Using an ancient form of Japanese Esoteric Shinto, he clears the energetic bodies through rites of misogi, leaving you fresh and invigorated.

Benton was born in California but has loved throughout Japan and the rest of Asia. Currently, he lives in Los Angeles where he practices daily.



***Esoteric Tsumi Shinto Master Healer Benton Ryer Rapid Group Healing session




Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology, whose principle-if proven-could revolutionize the biology and medicine worlds.” Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D. Former Head of Research for John Hopkins University. In 1993, Dr. Young received a MS in nutrition from the American College in Birmingham, Alabama. In 1995, he received his D.Sc. with emphasis in chemistry and biology. Dr. Young’s doctoral dissertation was on Disseminated Intravascular Blood Coagulation and Pathological Blood Coagulation. In 1997, Dr. Young received a Ph.D. from Clayton College of Natural Health. His Professor, James E. Harvey from San Diego State University, reviewed and accepted his dissertation as completing all the requirements for a Doctor of Philosophy degree in nutrition. Continuing his studies and research, Dr. Young later received an additional doctorate degree in naturopathy (ND) from Clayton College (1999). The pH Miracle series of books have sold over 10 million copies, have been translated into 29 languages and are gaining a widespread following internationally in over 159 countries.

Dr. Young is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists, the Microscopy Society of America, the American Naturopathic Association, an honorary member of the Connecticut Holistic Health Association, the Presidents Council at Brigham Young University, a consultant for Inner Light, Inc.,  pH Miracle, Inc., organizing committee member for the Conference on Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases in Dubai, UAE, and an advisor to Dean Lawrence Carter at the Martin Luther King Chapel at Morehouse College. He was honored by Professor Lawrence Carter at Morehouse College and inducted into the collegium of scholars as well as placed on the advisory board. Professor Carter made this statement about Dr. Young’s work: “With over 52 books on the market, Dr. Robert O. Young has established himself as the preeminent scientific researcher on how to balance the body chemistry and achieve one’s ideal weight. Every African American and African Caribbean, every person suffering from type I and type II diabetes, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, heart disease and youth obesity, and every person reared on ‘soul food’ needs to discover the pH Miracle and the rejuvenating recipes that alkalize and energize an over acidified diet.”

“I have made this revolutionary dietary paradigm shift an official part of my professional ministry because it eliminated my acid reflux without prescriptions and reduced my weight by 50 pounds in less than two months. This reduction in weight greatly speeded reduction of my PSA level after seeds-implant treatment for low-grade prostate cancer. Dr. Young’s nonviolent peace diet is the natural scientific solution for a healthy body that is free from the warring of excess acidity. With Dr. Young’s new biology and nutrition program, pastors and congregations will rediscover the miraculous link between nutrition, health and spirituality.” —The Reverend Dean Lawrence Edward Carter Sr., Ph.D.; Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel; Gandhi Institute for Reconciliation; Founder, Gandhi, King, Ikeda Legacy of Building Peace Exhibition; Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia.

Presentation 1 Keynote:

Solutions to Radiation and Chemical Pollution



Solutions to Radiation and Chemical Pollution



Steven D. Kelley

Level 6 Reiki Master Healer, Artist, Jeweler, Electro-Optical Engineer, Laser pioneer, Inventor & Author

You will learn all about Reiki energy healing from a level 6 Reiki master. 

At his workshop everyone will receive and give Reiki healing. You will also learn the physics of Reiki, something no other Reiki class provides. Thousands of people have been healed, usually from great distances away from Steven. Many have been brought back from certain death. One woman was able to regain her sight after being blind.

Presentation: Physics of Healing




Geraldine Orozco is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, C.H.T, Epigenetic Psychotherapist, M.T. meditation teacher, N.L.P. neurolinguistics practitioner, mindfulness-based stress reduction therapist, M.B.S.R. Qigong teacher and owner of Bay Area Meditation in San Francisco, she offers virtual corporate meditation programs internationally.  
She has 15 years of experience in the arts of holistic energy healing with certifications of advanced pranic healing, quantum energy healing and studied for several years with a shamanic energy healer.  
Geraldine is now dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge of biophysical architecture, hybridization programs and the re-examination of the common dogma of human genetic timelines, historical recording and the advanced healing of human biological structure. He is currently writing his first book. The origins of DNA and the Human Hybridization Program.
Geraldine’s story is now part of the 16-time award-winning documentary called “Exerary The Seeding”
She is a radio presenter, artist, international speaker and Youtuber


Golden Bloodlines – alchemical mutation in ancestral lineages 

Christic/bodic consciousness through generational alchemy – the key to unified consciousness. Our ancestral lineages hold within it a special code of life’s potential creation and the key to our life purpose. 
Tracing back our lineages can help uncover collective trauma for healing but also uncover something less talked about. And that is mutations along the lineage that hold activated data. Special intuitive gifts and vision are passed down through these bloodlines. These direct descendants of these bloodlines which formed our human race are the change makers of the world. The key being within the now hidden practices of the cultivation of life force mastery through the ages.  
Learn how new waves of children, Starseeds, Hybrids, are created through mutations by those who have practiced these powerful techniques. Each Generation clearer and more connected than the before in a self organized symphony of CoCreation and harmony within the human race and beyond. 


Edwin Harkness Spina is an award-winning author, healer, speaker and mystic. He is the author of Mystic Warrior and Mystic Secrets Revealed and the developer of Higher Self Integration, created to clear, align and center individuals moving through these tumultuous times. He specializes in removing curses and entities that often torment people, while connecting them to their highest selves, leading to greater intuition, clarity and joy.

Before becoming a master healer, Ed went through an extreme metamorphosis. After graduating with a BSE degree in math and computer science from Tufts University, Ed began writing systems software for a computer manufacturer. He went on to receive an MBA from the University of Chicago with concentrations in finance and marketing. After graduating, he worked with various venture capital firms, and started several technology-based companies in the sports and music industries. Stressed out from his entrepreneurial ventures, Ed rented a video from Blockbuster that promised to help him relax and curiously, help him recall his past lives.

To Ed’s surprise, the video changed his life as he was able to recall a past life in substantial detail. Thus began his 25+ year study of mysticism, metaphysics, energy healing and all things spiritual. The earnestness with which he desired to understand how the universe truly worked drew the attention of his first mentor. Through this relationship, Ed uncovered gifts his scientific mind would not have thought possible. After a few months, his primary means of communication with his mentor was telepathic. He lectures around the world and offers energy clearings in person and remotely. His company, Higher Dimension Publishing, publishes books, audios and videos that heal, enlighten and educate people around the world.


What’s Happening on the Higher Planes.


Donna McGrath

Donna is a former NIH Molecular Biologist, was invited to The White House under Ronald Reagan for her ground-breaking work on sickle-cell anemia, which was touted as the first time Molecular Biology came to the bedside. The work was featured in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, API, UPI and front page of the New York Times as a breakthrough in sickle cell anemia research. The research was published in Blood and The New England Journal of Medicine.

After 15 years in high tech Biotechnology instrumentation sales, in 1994, she experienced an Out-of-Body Journey to Enlightenment experience, in which the Light of God revealed the “key to healing all dis-eases” to her and revealed prophetic scenes regarding the history of the planet (which all have come true). As seen on CNN, Donna is a gifted Nutritional and Medical Medium and Master Energy Healer, who communicates and facilitates miracle healings from The Other Side. Donna worked behind the scenes on Bravo TV’s hit show, Project Runway, Season 4, energetically inflating a model’s collapsed lung via phone and obviated the need for subsequent lung surgery the next week…She also miraculously healed in 2 hours a 5-year-old with only 2 weeks to live of dermatomyositis and subsequently visited the Make a Wish in Disney…totally healed. Donna McGrath has performed over 60,000 readings/healings and has facilitated thousands of individual counseling, and miracle healings worldwide, as well as working with high profile celebrities. Her book From Corporate Mentality to Spiritual Reality, An Out-of-Body Journey to Enlightenment Is available at as well as her Miracle of Total Body Healing Meditations. Donna McGrath is the originating founder of the non-profit, Create-a-Miracle Foundation, a foundation sponsoring cost-free Spiritual Healing Modalities, a Spiritual Healer Network, Energy Healing Instrumentation Laboratory, Nutritional Supplementation for children ages 0 to 99.

 Presentation 1: Miracles of Total Body Healing 

You are cordially invited to hear Master Energy Healer, Donna McGrath recount. Her 1994 out-of-body journey to enlightenment and relate several case histories of miraculous healings in an uplifting PowerPoint presentation. Before and after pictures included.


Presentation 2: Q & A with Channeled Miracle Meditation

Donna will answer audience questions from the Gallery and channel custom nutritional recommendations for sample audience members. The session will end with a 15-minute miracle meditation. Not to miss!



Host of Medical Panel on Saturday.

Eric is Retired Whistleblower of the California DEPT of Public Health. Eric received his BA in Fine Arts from UCLA in 1986 but kept studying his favorite topics and chose his concentrations to be in three areas: Indian, Pre-Columbian, and Islamic Art History. In 1971, he entered the gifted program which included being tested at Lawrence Livermore and Stanford Research Laboratories. This “gifted” class was tested for psychic ability and their DNA was analyzed and stored. Let us just say he is still figuring out what really is going on there. Eric took college classes at 12 years of age at the same time as he was in elementary school! His pet peeves are Cancer lies, aspartame, sodium fluoride, GMOs, Chemtrails, Smart meters, cellphone radiation, Wi-Fi radiation, cellphone tower radiation, and Fukushima radiation. Please “like” Eric the Healer’s page on Facebook, and friend him as Eric Dadmehr on and as well.


Presentation: LIVER DETOX

Congestion in the liver bile ducts is among the leading health problems since the liver has direct control over the growth and functioning of every cell in our body! The origin of most diseases can easily be traced back to the liver. All diseases or symptoms of ill health are caused by an obstruction of some sort so doing liver cleanse is the smartest thing you can do on your path to excellent health. I will help you learn how to do this safely so you can do it in the comfort of your own home during the next new moon.


Uri, whose heritage blends Mongolian and Siberian roots, is a highly intuitive channel and a skilled clinical hypnotherapist who holds certifications in various modalities such as RTT, past-life regression, breath-work, chi-master practices, and CHEK holistic lifestyle practices. Additionally, she is a Universal Tao Instructor and ceremonialist. Her heart-opening sessions and ceremonies assist individuals in accessing divine wisdom from their past, the astral realm, and multi-dimensional space, guiding them towards healing.

After feeling unfulfilled as a fashion consultant in Los Angeles, Uri asked God to reveal her true calling. During a profound spiritual encounter with God 18 years ago, she experienced her physical body and soul being transported to another dimension. In this otherworldly space, angels and demons fought for her soul’s rebirth. Guided to help others heal, Uri pursued the study of various holistic health modalities, became a CHEK holistic health practitioner, and began working with natural elements, herbs, superfoods, tapping into the subconscious mind, and ancient healing techniques. She has traveled to sacred sites, including the Amazon rainforest and the High Andes, in search of peace and discovered that the most powerful way of achieving deep healing is through reprogramming the subconscious mind, healing from past wounds, and participating in celestial ceremonies. Uri spent the last three years heavily practicing in Sedona, working with individuals and couples who traveled from all over the world to seek healing. Now located in Los Angeles, she continues to help more people through group workshops and ceremonies.

Presentation:  Healing with time traveling and past life.

Join us for an illuminating presentation with Uri, a master past life regression therapist and ceremonialist, as she unveils the profound significance of healing past wounds and patterns. In this session, Uri will articulate why addressing these deep-rooted issues surpasses the efficacy of any pills or gadgets in achieving true transformation and well-being. Drawing from her extensive experience and expertise, Uri will unveil various modalities for tapping into the timeline, from ancient rituals to modern therapeutic techniques, she will share practical insights on how individuals can embark on their own transformative healing journeys.




Angel Tchonev is a Reiki Master, Pranic Healer, Sound Healer, Galactic Medium, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Yoga Teacher. Having studied Computer Engineering, he has a background in science and technology, which has allowed him to take a scientific approach in examining the metaphysical aspects of existence. In 2012, Angel underwent a spontaneous spiritual awakening and activation of his multidimensional perception. He has traveled to sacred sites across The United States, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and other parts of Europe, performing grid work, ceremonies, healings, and empowering others to align with the Ascension timeline. Angel has synthesized all he has learned to find the Source Consciousness within himself and understand our oneness with all of creation. He has dedicated his life to restoring and anchoring the original Divine Blueprint on Earth, in accordance with the Cosmic Laws of Creation.

Workshop: Restoring the Divine Blueprint

Planet Earth is meant to be a beautiful, tranquil place, where souls come to experience and co-create in a unique multi-sensory, multi-dimensional reality. There are many stories of Earth’s origins, yet our true history remains a mystery even to the brightest of beings. It is time to remember. It is time to reclaim humanity’s individual and collective sovereignty.

Join Angel in this interactive journey of remembrance. Enjoy a relaxing sound bath as you connect to your highest Divine Self and realign with Source Consciousness. You will learn how to access, restore, and fully embody your original Divine Blueprint. You will learn practical methods to help guide you on your soul’s journey. Learn how to heal yourself and others, both in-person and from a distance. Awaken dormant multidimensional abilities. Receive a healing Lightbody activation, which will open your perception and ensure lasting changes in your life.


Michelle Jewsbury

Michelle is a dynamic force in transforming personal stories into powerful business narratives, is the founder and CEO of Unsilenced Voices. With a mission to empower survivors of pain and trauma, Michelle has emerged as an internationally recognized speaker, coach, and advocate. Renowned for her expertise in translating adversity into business success, she has graced stages across the globe, captivating business owners with her powerful message. From sharing her journey to breaking the cycle of abuse, Michelle inspires entrepreneurs to transform their own stories into impactful narratives. As the driving force behind Unsilenced Voices, Michelle Jewsbury is dedicated to engaging small business owners, and helping them harness the transformative power of their stories for business growth.


Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Potential of Your Personal Narrative.




Health Researcher, Technologist/Researcher/Artist/Creator

Alan is an explorer of consciousness technologies and the Mind-Body-Spirit relationship, as well as most tech and AI development. Integrating his knowledge of intuitive energy, DNA perfection, accessing creative flow, 5D timelines, non-physical and the general nature of the universe, he has connected the dots of various beliefs and tools to help forward our evolution toward euphoria.


Tools & Techniques for Wellness

This is a dense crash-course exploring the various functional wellness products and technologies currently available to accelerate our spiritual growth, vibrational frequencies, scalar connections and overall health.  We’ll learn.



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