Dr. Michael has been a Board-certified family physician, and a fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He has practiced since 1978 in nutritional and preventive medicine and has treated thousands of patients with an integrated holistic approach. Since 2003 Dr. Grossman has incorporated the latest technological advances into his practice of medicine, including laser skin rejuvenation and nonsurgical face lifts.
Since 2009, he has specialized in anti-aging and regenerative medicine using bio-identical hormone replacement to assist men and women to reverse the effects of aging on their emotional and physical well-being. In 2014 Dr. Michael began using adipose Stem Cell investigational protocols for a wide variety of degenerative diseases. In 2015 he began using platelet enriched plasma to reverse erectile dysfunction and repair injured joints. In 2016, he began using GainesWave acoustic wave treatments to reverse male erectile dysfunction. Dr. Michael is a graduate of New York University School of Medicine. He was an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California at Irvine, School of Medicine from 2001 to 2008 where he trained medical students and residents in natural approaches that complement traditional medicine. Dr. Michael is also an active member of the fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He lectures extensively on various topics of wellness, including meditation, nutrition, and reversing aging.
Dr. Michael is the author of two books:
1- The Vitality Connection: Ten Practical Ways to Optimize Health and Reverse the Aging Process.
2- The Magic of Stem Cells: Awakening Your Own Healing Power.
Board Certifications, Associations and Training:
- Member of BodyLogicMD a national network of highly trained physicians specializing in Natural Bioidentical Hormone Therapy.
- Member of the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine
- Extensive training in anti-aging provided by the Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
- Affiliate Physician of the Cell Surgical Network
- AMA Board Certified Family Practice 1976 thru 2015.
Breakthroughs in Longevity Medicine & what your traditional doctor will not tell you.
Importance of Meditation for your health and your life

DR. Todd Ovokaitys, M.D.
Dr. Todd did his undergraduate studies at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. After 2 years he was at the top of his class with a 4.0 GPA (out of 4.0). He was one of 26 students in America accepted to an accelerated medical training program at the prestigious Johns Hopkins University Medical School in Baltimore, Maryland. In the course of this work, he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa at this institution. During this time Dr. Todd also studied voice and classical guitar at the Peabody Institute. He received both BA and MD degrees from Johns Hopkins University.
Dr. Todd’s subsequent training included an Internship and Residency at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC. He was invited to be a Chief Medical Resident in the Georgetown University system, responsible for the teaching program of medical students, interns, and residents. This honorary position was followed by the completion of a two-year Fellowship in Pulmonary and Intensive Care Medicine, also at Georgetown University Hospital.
While at Georgetown, Dr. Todd experienced a deep insight into an elegant method for matching the vibrational states of biological molecules to neutralize toxins and enhance human biochemical functions. Pursuing this insight, he moved to Southern California and constructed a platform with the assistance of Scottish physicist Scott Strachan. This colleague had won the Enterprise Scotland Award from Prince Charles for laser measurement devices. Scott Strachan also contributed to the creation of real time ultrasound, the technology that uses sound waves to view internal organs with precision.
New Technology, The technology platform they created used lasers in a novel way. It was tested for its effects at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. This work showed the ability to take a flask of tumor cells and transform their appearance and behavior to those of normal cells, a potential major breakthrough in oncology. Additional research at the University of Southern California confirmed that this specially configured laser system could fully neutralize a virus in human cells in culture without a harmful effect upon the cells.
The Qi Laser, The latest description of this invention is the Qi laser technology platform. In this sense, Qi stands for quantum information that enhances the biological action of molecules in the body; Qi is also the term for life force energy in Eastern systems of medicine. Other clinical studies with Qi enhanced nutritional formulas have shown:
- The relief of symptoms of ischemic heart disease in persons with severe coronary artery narrowing. This formula also increased maximum exercise capacity a remarkable 60% compared to placebo.
- Normalization of moderate hypertension in 3-4 weeks.
- Marked reduction of cardiac arrhythmias.
- Lowering of blood lipid levels.
- Relief of joint pain and clearance of X-ray evidence of joint inflammation in one month.
- Reversal of a wide range of autoimmune conditions including systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
- Significant increase in systemic anti-oxidant status.
- Clearance of a wide range of toxic heavy metals from the body.
- Enhanced metabolism with relative ease of weight loss.
Proof of the power of this platform has been achieved at the level of fundamental physical and pharmaceutical chemistry. Dr. Todd Ovokaitys and his inventor colleague Scott Strachan have just received a granted patent for creating a physical state of matter that had been previously impossible.
Home | Dr. Todd Ovokaitys (drtoddo.com)
Presentation 1: Saturday March 25TH, 2023, from 3:15 PM to 4:30 PM, Main Conference Hall.
The Quest for Agelessness and How to Achieve It
The more recent developments of regenerative medicine go beyond the mere concept of anti-aging to true age reversal. This means becoming biologically younger at the DNA level and to have the tissues of the body transform in concert to be more youthful. This is not only in appearance but in function too. A new method has been developed that is safe, intrinsic to the body, and deeply regenerative that has consistently shown 3 years of biological age reversal per application of the process. With repeated application as much as 12-18 years of biological age reversal has been seen, and the limit has yet to be found.
At a recent Biohacking event Dr. Todd coined the phrase “the Biohack is the stack.” To achieve any physical or physiologic target, it is ideal to consider the optimum stack of modalities to combine their effects for achieving the intended target.
This presentation will focus on the physical, cellular, and biochemical elements, whereas tomorrow’s presentation will focus on psycho-emotional, spiritual and vibrational factors.
Presentation 2: Sunday March 26TH, 2023, from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM, Main Conference Hall.
The Power of Psyche, Emotions and Vibrations for Personal Transcendence
The mind-body connection has become an area of intense discussion and development. The power of the mind, even as shown by the placebo effect has been confirmed, with many methods now used to cultivate this potency. This presentation will focus on the realm of psycho-emotional medicine. This can be the fast track to releasing emotions and unresolved unconscious conflicts that create limitations on our potential capabilities and our health. The area known as biological decoding has defined the psycho-emotional anatomy in detail.
Based on the nature of the perceived experience of a great stress or conflict, this codes to a particular area of the brain that can then affect the corresponding organ. The art of decoding, for a given issue, defines the specific unresolved unconscious conflict directly. This then allows a process of using laser focused questions and processes to create conscious awareness, release the trapped emotion, and relieve the conflict. This reconnects the brain that has been walled off in a conflict circuit, making more of the brain available and releasing the person from unconscious limitations. This can enhance intellectual and functional capacities, while also strengthening the health and vitality of the organs.
To boost higher dimensional functions even further an advanced vibrational method called the pineal toning technique can be invoked. The pineal gland is considered the organ of higher perceptual awareness and consciousness.
Pineal tones are an ancient and future system of encoded tonal patterns that boosts the vibration of the pineal gland and its related functions. Each tone or combination has a specific intention of action and purpose. Selected tonal patterns will be shared with the intent of enhancing your vibration and awareness by the end of the session.

Dr. Barry Morguelan is a world-class medical doctor, surgeon, and the only western Grand Master of a 5,000-year-old Chinese Source Energy discipline. He is on a mission to empower you to transform your own life quickly and easily.
Dr. Barry Morguelan, founder of Energy for Success (EnergyForSuccess.com) walked into the room of one of his elderly patients. This was the discharge day for Mrs. Rodriguez after Dr. B. had removed a massive tumor from her body. With his white coat and clipboard, he sat down, held her hand, and I said “so, you get to go home. How’s it going?”
It was like a scene from a movie. What she said next was shocking… Her words drove Dr. B. on a 163,000-mile journey around the world over 6 and a half years searching for what he’s come to know as your Source Energy. What happened, what she said, and how to use your Source Energy to find happiness, health, and time for fun is all revealed in Dr. Barry’s 5000-Year-Old Energy Techniques to Take Back Control Over Your Results Right Now talk at the Health Optimization Summit. No matter what your age, education, or infirmity, this is NOT a session you want to miss if you want to achieve breakthrough results in any or all Great 8 areas of your life.
Whether you’ve tried everything else & failed and want more control over your life’s direction… or if you’re already on your path and want to hit your milestones & achieve your goals even faster (and with less effort) – Set a reminder for Dr. Barry’s session now while it’s fresh on your mind.
Here’s what people are saying about Dr. B.
“Dr. Barry’s work works in ways that I can’t necessarily explain, but I will tell you flat out he does something that is tangible, something you can feel, something that actually works, that can shift your ability to make energy inside your body in a way that is profound.” – Dave Asprey, Founder, Bulletproof Media.
“Dr. B has a fundamental capacity to help people heal that’s uniquely different from anything I’ve experienced.” – Tony Robbins, Chairman, Tony Robbins Holdings, Inc.
“Truthfully, I didn’t think anything this powerful and almost magical sounding could possibly be real, could possibly produce such exquisite outcomes for so many different people in so many different career, life, relationship and help situations. So I challenged Dr. Barry to prove it first hand to me on my body, on my mind, on my business, with my work, with my relationships – – and you know what? He killed it!!” – Jay Abraham, Owner, The Abraham Group
Energy for Success Website https://energyforsuccess.com
Presentation 1: Saturday March 25th, 2023, from 11 AM to 12 Noon. Main Conference Hall.
Ultimate Bio Hack, YOU Personally Accessing Source Energy.
Presentation 2; Sunday March 26th, 2023, from 12:00 Noon until 1:15 PM, Main Conference Hall

Patrick K. Porter, PhD is an award-winning author, educator, consultant, entrepreneur, and speaker. With 20 years of experience operating the largest self-help franchise in the world, he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry, having sold over 3 million of his self-help products worldwide.
Dr. Porter has been on the cutting edge of brainwave entrainment technology for 32 years. He was a co-developer of the MC2, the first personal light & sound brain training machine, voted “Best New Gadget of the Year” at the 1989 Consumer Electronics Show. And his team was voted the “Best New Health APP” at 2019 Consumer Electronic Show.
About Dr Patrick Porter – BrainTap Inventor
Presentation: Saturday March 25th, 2023, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Main Conference Hall, How Light, Sound and Vibration is Changing How You improve Brain Function.
During this presentation you will learn how light, sound, vibration and health care make you the go to health professional for concussions and other brain trauma. Dr. Patrick Porter (PhD) will reveal how the application of light and sound frequency is changing the way we treat brain injuries and how Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is guiding the science. From the amateur athlete to your local professionals, you will learn the steps that are available to over 3000 clinics and used in 40 countries. Dr. Porter will show that the use of brain care, light and sound frequencies can change the way the body repairs itself.

Dr. Beverly Rubik earned her Ph.D. in biophysics at the University of California, Berkeley. She has had a life-long pursuit in “out of the box” thinking, exploring what she terms, “frontier science and medicine” that go beyond mainstream models. She is internationally renowned for her pioneering work, especially in energy medicine. Dr. Rubik is President and founder of the Institute for Frontier Science in Oakland, California, a 501c3 nonprofit laboratory. Her research interests include the biofield (energy field of life); vibrational healing using novel energy medicine devices; the health hazards of wireless radiation; and the new science of structured and energized waters. She conducted research on energy healers over the years, measuring their effects on cell cultures and subtle energy sensors that her laboratory developed.
From 1992-1997, she was one of 18 congressionally appointed advisors to the US National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine, the precursor organization to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. There she chaired committees that ushered in alternative and complementary medicine to the NIH, coined the term “biofield, “and helped it become a new official medical research term. She is regarded as the “grandmother of the biofield” by her scientific peers. Some of her recent studies are on wireless radiation exposure in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic; novel sensors for subtle energies; and the extremely low-level light (biophotons) emitted from the human body in health and healing. Dr. Rubik is a frequent keynote presenter at health and wellness events in the US and internationally, including conferences, documentaries and online summits. She is also an adjunct faculty member at the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences at Saybrook University in Pasadena, California. She has published nearly 100 scientific papers and 2 books and has won several awards for her scientific research. She has been widely interviewed, including on Good Morning America (ABC-TV). Dr. Rubik also serves as a consultant on maverick projects in the corporate world and to health clients.
Presentation 1: Friday March 24th, 2023,
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Main Conference room
The Perils of Wireless Radiation:
Our Health, the Environment, and Personal Solutions
The rise of wireless devices has increased the demand for more bandwidth of wireless radiation, which is now upon us. 5G (fifth generation of wireless communication radiation) involves higher frequency bands than 4G (fourth generation). Millions of new 4G and 5G antennas will be installed within our residential neighborhoods and close to schools and businesses. Between 40,000 to 100,000 low-orbit satellites will broadcast 5G signals from space. This will provide a wireless worldwide web, faster internet, and an “internet of things” that will forever change earth’s electromagnetic environment and increase our exposure worldwide. Wireless technology, including cell phones, tablets, routers, among many others, as well as microwave antennas and base stations, produce pulsed microwave signals that are unnatural and pose hazards to our health. Moreover, there are no clear safety standards for wireless exposure, and there is no safety testing of 5G devices. Electro sensitivity to wireless radiation is on the rise with distinct symptoms. In 2011, the World Health Organization declared that wireless radiation is a causal factor in cancer. Dr. Rubik will present the scientific evidence and explain how these microwaves affect us and the environment. You will learn what 5G entails; how it can impact our health and the environment; some practical ways in which we can protect ourselves; and the latest research findings on protection.
Presentation 2:
2:00 PM to 3:15 PM, Temecula Room, 2ND Floor.
Workshop: Energy Medicine
Balancing the Biofield with Sound Therapy–A Live Demonstration
with Dr. Beverly Rubik and Dr. Mandara Cromwell, D.C.M.
Dr. Beverly Rubik, a leading scientist conducting research on the biofield and energy medicine, and Dr. Mandara Cromwell, Doctor of Cymatic Medicine, and inventor of the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices (AMI) will demonstrate how the biofield, the energy field of the human body, responds when stimulated by sound therapy. First, we will present an overview on the biofield and sound therapy and discuss how they are related. Then we will demonstrate how the Bio-Well device (Bio-well.com) assesses the human energy field by measuring the pattern of light emitted from the fingertips using electro-photography. Several volunteers in the workshop will be assessed using the Bio-Well to determine levels of stress, overall energy, and meridian balance. Then the AMI-Acoustic Meridian Intelligence device (Cymatechnologies.com), which provides various frequency therapy programs, will be used to stimulate the energy meridians in the feet and/or hands of the volunteers for several minutes. We will use specific sound frequency patterns that have been well researched and used for years in the AMI to help people. Finally, we will show how the biofield changes after a short session of sound frequency stimulation, by testing the volunteers again with the Bio-Well device, and comparing results with the previous test. We expect these short sessions to show improvements in the biofield, which would predict physical benefits from longer sessions. In clinical studies, sound therapy has been found to activate the energy system of the body, to help restore health and maintain wellness and vitality.
Beverly Rubik is a biophysicist (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) and President and founder of Institute for Frontier Science in Oakland, California, who has conducted pioneering research on the biofield and energy healing for decades (brubik.com; frontiersciences.org).
Dr. Mandara Cromwell, DCM, and CEO of Cyma Technologies, spent years conducting research with focused sets of frequencies that resulted in her invention of the AMI-Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices, which emit sound frequency patterns designed for deep healing at the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. (cymatechnologies.com)

Dr. Doug Lehrer, DC, CQM, is the innovator of Cellular Resonance® Quantum Healing (CRQM) and founder of the Lehrer School of Energy Medicine and Rich-in-Health Foundation 501(3)c non-profit which trains and certifies medical, chiropractic, acupuncture, osteopathic, physical therapy, naturopathic doctors, psychologists, and multidisciplinary holistic practitioners/healers in the CRQM Soul to Cell™ healing system.
Dr. Lehrer’s 37 years of clinical research and healing practices evidence-based in neuroscience, quantum physics, epigenetics, chiropractic, endocrinology, neuroimmunology, embryology, meditation, Chinese medicine, microbiome replenishment, spiritual exploration, and universal principles, Dr. Doug created a powerful all-encompassing school of energy medicine to teach doctors, health and wellness practitioners, and coaches how to get consistent and dependable healing results while creating evolutionary transformation for their patients/clients.
Dr. Doug discovered 5 keys to healing pain, sickness, depression, anxiety, weight and the heart and soul of a human being.
Key 1 – Get the brain and nervous system out of sympathetic dominance (survival mode) and into sympathetic/parasympathetic balance, which turns on the innate healing powers of the brain and body… Naturally raising cellular functions, including brain plasticity, hormonal, and immune functions.
Key 2 is finding and resolving the actual cause of the symptom or condition, rather than treating the symptoms and diagnoses. The primary cause proven by prominent medical research is trauma, stress, suppressed emotions, negative thoughts, and familial generational stress known as epigenetics, which get recorded in the subconscious memory and control all physical, mental, emotional, and biochemical functions.
Key 3 is to restore cell polarity and cell to cell communication.
Key 4 is to clear the energy blockages in the brain, organs, glands, meridians, chakras, and the human energy field systems. Because soul energy field also called the morphogenic field in medical books contains the primary information that created the body — and heals the body and the whole person.
Key 5 is to facilitate the patient to shift upwards in consciousness from Fear to Love™ from Soul to Cell™. Because we are spiritual beings having a physical material human experience. The soul’s power to heal has always been through forgiveness, gratitude and letting go of the past from the body, mind and soul trinity. And further, integrating the body, mind, soul and spirit into wholeness, present-time consciousness, and alignment with one’s heart & highest self.
The True power to healing is a transformational process of the body, mind, and soul of each person. To reclaim who we are, live our truth, power, presence with purpose, prosperity and the embodiment of love.
Friday 1:15 PM To 2:00 PM, Main Conference Room
Soul to Cell™ Healing: 5 Keys to Activate the Body, Emotions, and Soul’s Power to Heal.

Dr. Jeffrey Benton D.C., C.T.N., QME
Dr. Jeffrey Benton is the Director of the Light Touch Healing Center. He is a licensed Chiropractic Healer, clinical nutritionist and a Certified Naturopath who understands that as we go through life, trauma and traumatic events rarely heal completely and often leave remnants that slows the body down causing aging.
Dr. Benton uses cutting edge Kinesiology techniques to turn on the body’s own self-correcting programs which enable the patient to heal quickly and naturally. He is a Certified Traditional Naturopath, an Applied Clinical Nutritionist and a Qualified Medical Examiner for the State of California.
He developed the Emotional Trauma Release Technique™, This technique quickly locates and releases the area of dis-ease and neutralizes it. Results are often immediate and astounding.
Dr. Benton was named one of Los Angeles Magazine Top Chiropractors in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. He was named “Health Professional of the Year 2019” by EZway Network.
Presentation 1:
1:00 PM To 1:45 PM, Main conference Room
Healing Chronic Physical pain with the Emotional Trauma Release Technique™

Dr. Rollin McCraty
Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., is Director of Research of the HeartMath Research Center at the HeartMath Institute. As a psycho-physiologist, Dr. McCraty’s research interests include the physiology of emotion, heart-brain communication, and the global interconnectivity between people and the earth’s energetic systems. Findings from this research have been applied to developing tools and technology to optimize individual and organizational health, performance, and quality of life. Dr. McCraty has acted as Principal Investigator in numerous studies examining the effects of emotions on heart-brain interactions and on autonomic, cardiovascular, hormonal, and immune system function, and outcome studies to determine the benefits of positive emotion-focused interventions and heart rhythm coherence feedback in diverse organizational, educational and various clinical populations.
He has been featured in several documentary films such as I Am, The Truth, The Joy of Sox Movie, The Power of the Heart, Solar Revolution, The Living Matrix, and many others.
Presentation: Sunday March 26TH, 10 AM to 11:00 AM, VIA ZOOM LIVE.
The Science of Energetic Interconnectivity

Ryan Veli
Began his career as an enlisted military officer for the USANG in 1997. Transitioning into the Information Operations (IO) field after 2001 and later contracting for the USAF as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in 2007.
In civilian life, serving as a dedicated technology teacher for over 22 years. Mentoring tech students in University, College, and the military. In relation to the business world. Ryan has participated in many Startups and conducted security consulting for several fortune 500 companies. As a dedicated seeker, Ryan has studied many occulted and obscure subjects and has firsthand experience with piercing the veil through multiple NDE’s and other Psychonautic techniques. With decades of knowledge in technology, the US Military, and the Occult. Ryan is giving notice to the world regarding both the threat and potential that lies in Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Control Grid. A journey from the self into the digital future. Examining human consciousness transformation into a new trans-human life
form in our midst. Through an exploration of self, we discover universal oneness and unlock the mysteries of out-of-body experience (OBE). With an understanding of human consciousness, we reveal the coming internet 2.0, artificially intelligent life forms, and the potential for an airtight digital control grid usurping human beauty, freedom, and the soul itself. Once sufficiently terrified, we will introduce potential solutions and positive utilization of technological advancements, with an overall intention to raise consciousness, seed solutions and dispel the ignorance of technological realities.
Presentation 1: Outliving Globalism
Exploring practical alternative survival
solutions and positive applications of super-technology in 2023 and
beyond. Looking into some very old and very new innovations produced by
Earth civilizations to strategize a post-Statist, pathway into a new
Humanity. Followed by a general update on the progress of AI and the
totalitarian mega state that is currently in the “takeover” phase of the
globalist agenda.
Presentation 2: Plant Based Medicines and Technology
Modern innovations and technology aids for plant based therapeutics. An analysis of medicinal
plants including Cannabis and Mushrooms in the treatment of various
forms of illness. Examination of the wide range of conditions that can
be resolved once the Human body’s natural capabilities are stimulated to produce long term wellness and healing.

Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology, whose principle-if proven-could revolutionize the biology and medicine worlds.” Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D. Former Head of Research for John Hopkins University.
In 1993, Dr. Young received a MS in nutrition from the American College in Birmingham, Alabama. In 1995, he received his D.Sc. with emphasis in chemistry and biology. Dr. Young’s doctoral dissertation was on Disseminated Intravascular Blood Coagulation and Pathological Blood Coagulation. In 1997, Dr. Young received a Ph.D. from Clayton College of Natural Health. His Professor, James E. Harvey from San Diego State University, reviewed and accepted his dissertation as completing all the requirements for a Doctor of Philosophy degree in nutrition. Continuing his studies and research, Dr. Young later received an additional doctorate degree in naturopathy (ND) from Clayton College (1999). The pH Miracle series of books have sold over 10 million copies, have been translated into 29 languages and are gaining a widespread following internationally in over 159 countries.
Dr. Young is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists, the Microscopy Society of America, the American Naturopathic Association, an honorary member of the Connecticut Holistic Health Association, the Presidents Council at Brigham Young University, a consultant for Inner Light, Inc., pH Miracle, Inc., organizing committee member for the Conference on Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases in Dubai, UAE, and an advisor to Dean Lawrence Carter at the Martin Luther King Chapel at Morehouse College. He was honored by Professor Lawrence Carter at Morehouse College and inducted into the collegium of scholars as well as placed on the advisory board.
Professor Carter made this statement about Dr. Young’s work: “With over 52 books on the market, Dr. Robert O. Young has established himself as the preeminent scientific researcher on how to balance the body chemistry and achieve one’s ideal weight. Every African American and African Caribbean, every person suffering from type I and type II diabetes, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, heart disease and youth obesity, and every person reared on ‘soul food’ needs to discover the pH Miracle and the rejuvenating recipes that alkalize and energize an over acidified diet.”
“I have made this revolutionary dietary paradigm shift an official part of my professional ministry because it eliminated my acid reflux without prescriptions and reduced my weight by 50 pounds in less than two months. This reduction in weight greatly speeded reduction of my PSA level after seeds-implant treatment for low-grade prostate cancer. Dr. Young’s nonviolent peace diet is the natural scientific solution for a healthy body that is free from the warring of excess acidity. With Dr. Young’s new biology and nutrition program, pastors and congregations will rediscover the miraculous link between nutrition, health and spirituality.” —The Reverend Dean Lawrence Edward Carter Sr., Ph.D.; Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel; Gandhi Institute for Reconciliation; Founder, Gandhi, King, Ikeda Legacy of Building Peace Exhibition; Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia.
Presentation 1:
Saturday 2:00 PM to 3:15 PM, Santa Cruz Room, 2nd floor.
Solution to Pollution
Graphene, Radiation 5G, Microwave, Parasites. Bio Chlorides, Dioxin, Spike Protein.
Presentation 2:
Sunday 10:00 AM to 11:30 PM, Second Floor, Santa Cruz Room
What’s in the Jubi Jab Vaccines and how to clean your blood.

Vanessa Pavey, ND
Dr. Vanessa Pavey is a naturopathic doctor and Education Scientist at Life Extension. She enjoys discussing the mechanism of how nutrition influences the body and is committed to improving health through education. Trained as a primary care physician and skilled in medical biochemistry, she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Saint Francis before training in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. Dr. Pavey has been helping to educate Life Extension customers on the science of a healthier life since 2014.
Friday March 24th, 2023, from 12:00 PM TO 1:00 PM, Main Conference Room
Balancing Neurotransmitters
- Neurotransmitters from a longevity perspective
- Testing
- Balancing with nutrition and supplementation

Perry has over 30 years’ experience delivering life-changing technologies we rely on every day. You may not know Perry, but you’re well-acquainted with his innovations. With advanced degrees in Engineering, Particle & Optical Physics, and a Wharton MBA where he graduated as Palmer Scholar, he’s had a hand in pioneering high-capacity multi-wavelength optical networks, Voice-Over-IP, interactive digital technologies, and distributed real-time applications (all of which enable the entertainment and communications we depend on daily). Perry’s passion project “DNA Vibe” is on a mission to make the world a better place, one better life at a time. DNA Vibe’s “Jazz Band” is the most advanced wearable light therapy tech ever and is trusted by hundreds of professional athletes, teams and trainers, thousands of clinical partners, and tens of thousands of moms, dads, grandparents & kids to prevent injury, reduce stiffness, inflammation & pain, and accelerate & improve recovery from injury, surgery, or just the daily grind. In keeping with its reputation as the science, technology and innovation leader, DNA Vibe just launched the world’s first-ever fully submersible wearable light therapy product, the Jazz Band SplashTM. Developed at the behest of pro sports teams, now anyone can make the most of tub time to feel better and get better at the same time.
As a triple combat-decorated Veteran, Perry is proud that DNA Vibe is the only wearable light therapy technology made in the USA.
9:00 AM to 9:30 AM, Main Conference Room
Red Light Therapy
A bit of history, a pinch of science, and a touch of technology – blend thoroughly with particles and waves – quite literally an “exciting” topic.
Perry will share perspectives on how science is catching up to more than 5,000 years of intuitive and experiential wisdom.

Michael Cremo, also known as the ‘forbidden archeologist’, is hailed as a groundbreaking research pioneer and international authority on archeological anomalies. His landmark bestseller, Forbidden Archeology, first published in 1993, already translated into 26 languages, challenged the very foundation of Darwinian evolution. Michael continues to “dig up” enigmatic discoveries in the fossil record and “shake up” accepted paradigms, exploring famous archeological sites around the world, journeying to sacred places in India, appearing on national television shows in the United States or other countries, lecturing at mainstream science conferences, or speaking to alternative gatherings of global intelligentsia. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. He is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists as well as a research associate in history and philosophy of science for the Bhaktivedanta Institute.
After receiving a scholarship to study International Affairs at George Washington University, Michael began to study the ancient Sanskrit writings of India known as the Vedas. In this way, he has broadened his academic knowledge with spirituality from the Eastern tradition.
Works in Progress: Extreme Human Antiquity
Extreme Human Antiquity
How long have humans like us been on this planet? Mainstream archeology says 300,000 years. And they claim all the evidence supports this. By “all the evidence” they mean the evidence found in today’s textbooks. But that is not really all the evidence. If we look at the history of archeology, past and present, we find archeologists and other scientists have discovered many human bones, artifacts, and footprints showing humans like us have existed far longer than 300,000 years. This evidence is not very well known because of a process of knowledge filtration that operates in the world of science. In this talk, Michael Cremo lets us know how extremely far back in time the antiquity of our species really goes and explores the explosive implications of this.

Success Coach for Fortune 500 Companies and Humanitarian
KAYA REDFORD -CEO / Founder of Global Transformation Academy and TOP PRODUCING FASTER to Your Wealth & Freedom!
Kaya trains Fortune 500 companies, leaders, entrepreneurs, influencers, and sales professionals all over the world to increase their production and make more money. He coaches on mindset, communication skills, behavior modification, taking massive action, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Kaya has been a Featured Guest Speaker on OWN: OPRAH WINFREY NETWORK, Recap Show 3 times!
He specializes in the Banking & Real Estate. Kaya trains the # 1 Century 21 office in the world Century 21 “All Stars” and the # 1 agent in the world Marty Rodriguez, Mortgage & Financial services, Kaya has trained New York Life and one of the offices became # 1 in the country. Kaya also trains the top teams at WFG & PHP. Has trained Network marketing companies like: ACN and Herbalife – Kaya trained the fastest-growing team in Herbalife. Kaya also works with the mayor’s office on leadership and conflict resolution training for the city. He trains and certifies speakers, coaches, and trainers all over the world so they can also have an impact on their local communities.
The UNITED NATIONS is Proud to Recognize & Present The Humanitarian Award to Sir Kaya Redford. For perfecting the nature, Aiding those less fortunate & Eliminating the suffering and pain of others. Sir Kaya Redford was recently knighted by His Royal Highness, Prince Rafael of Spain as an Honorary Knight of Merit of the Royal Order of Constantine the Great, for two categories: Business & Philanthropy. (Yes, that’s the Roman Emperor Constantine and his mother Saint Helen). Kaya is Master Certified and a Trainer’s Trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy (R), Hypnosis, and a board-certified Behavioral Analyst. He is also a certified Miracle Minded Coach, personally trained by Presidential Candidate / New York Times best-selling author, Marianne Williamson. Kaya also started a movement called: “A Dream to Bring The World Together”
Kaya also rehabilitates veterans that suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Kaya is an award-winning director and producer for his documentary called “Homeless In America”, which is about the plight of the homeless.
Website: https://GTATransform.com
- Top Producing Faster to Your Wealth and Freedom
- NLP – The Study of Human Excellence
- Your Vision and How to Breakthrough Challenges to Achieve Your Goals

Veronica Bucheli has over twenty-five years of C-level executive experience with an excellent combination of top diversified Real Estate development, mortgage, financial management, sales experience, and education. She is the creator and founder of Olympian To Producer (TM)Constructor Series, a powerful Top Production training program that has revolutionized the way Top Production is done, Women of the World (WOW) and advocacy for human rights and empowerment platform for all minorities. Bodega de Encanta (TM) Skin Care products that eliminates the need of injectable chemicals to preserve youthful skin while aging gracefully and naturally. House of Encanta her non-profit vision in support of the community.
Transform &Thrive Project (TTP) dedicated to the education and transformation of humanity using the technology of Neuroscience that facilitates emotional mastery while tapping into the unconscious mind creating peak performance and delivering extraordinary results. She has a history of success with an impeccable track record that displays her ability to improve operations, impact business growth and maximize profits through achievements in financial management, cost reduction, internal control productivity and efficiency improvements. Veronica’s contributions to the residential real estate development industry include strategic planning, branding, business planning, recruiting, operations and department general management, systems technology design and implementation, staff development and leadership as well as cultural changes. Veronica was born in Quito, Ecuador, where she was raised by her father, Fabian Bucheli, Esq. Her education, from elementary school through high school was influenced highly by the internationally recognized European International Baccalaureate® (IB) educational system. In 1986, Veronica moved to the United States to finalize her high school studies and embark on a rewarding real estate development career.
Veronica started her career in the real estate industry at the early age of nineteen. She was the youngest Hispanic female manager to help complete the Mountain Meadows (1,000 units) residential community in the City of Moorpark, CA. Her major contributions and legacy as a senior executive in the residential/commercial industries and beloved communities are her direct and indirect involvement through strategic planning for landmark projects developed by extraordinary companies such as The Irvine Company: Pelican Hills, Newport Beach, CA, Irvine Spectrum, Irvine, CA. Richmond American Homes: Monument Parkway Community, Perris, CA, Sycamore Creek Community, Corona, CA. Highland Fairview Properties: Sketcher’s Logistic Center, Moreno Valley, CA and many more. As a great visionary, she embarked into the coaching arena in 2014 with the mentorship of Sir Kaya Redford, becoming within six months his prodigy student and later his life & business partner. As CEO for both sister companies, Veronica’s most ambitious project has been the implementation of strategies for growth, and global expansion with the recent grand opening of her second transformation academy in Sao Paulo-Brazil, and current negotiations are ongoing to pen the third academy in Barranquilla, Colombia in 2023. Her international skills and ability to foster relations world-wide has proven to be the next generation for global transformation. Veronica brings vast knowledge, experience in international relations and elite leadership with a fully accredited Neuroscience Certification Program for students from all walks of life. Her advanced public speaking skills give her an impeccable ability to inspire, move and influence large crowds. During her spare time, Veronica leads and hosts various charity events to benefit children, fund raising events, and luxury social impact events.
Presentation: How to Thrive in any Market

Brooks Agnew grew up in Pasadena, California hanging around JPL and Cal Tech. He entered the Air Force in 1973, where he graduated top in his class in electronics engineering. He received his Bachelor of Science with honors in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological University.
He is a Certified Quality Engineer, a SixSigma Master and a member of the Society of Automotive Engineering. His scientific consulting company has served for 30 years with the Fortune 100 to save or bring back to America more than 10 thousand highly productive jobs.
After publishing more than 10 thousand articles and technical documents, he authored 7 Amazon best-selling books with 12 titles in print. He is one of the world’s most recognized voices in podcasting today after 18 years on the web. He has been featured on dozens of TV and hundreds of radio programs as well as numerous scientific documentaries. He is a master engineer consulting the Fortune 500 in advanced manufacturing methods. He is a multi-patented engineer and currently the CEO of an electric truck manufacturer in North Carolina.
Presentation 1: Asteroid Mining, The Furure of Energy.
Presentation 2: Remembering the Future.

Dr Lori Smiskol, BCND, Trinity School of Natural Health
Dr. Lori is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in Vibrational Frequency Medicine to reduce and eliminate pain and inflammation. Her practice is on the cutting edge of medicine and is revolutionizing the way we approach health and healing. Specializing in combining Frequency Medicine with ancient healing therapies, Dr. Lori uses Reflexology and Reiki, with an array of Vibrational Frequency Devices to allow her clients to reduce stress and live pain-free. She graduated from Trinity in 2017 and has been immersed in the holistic field since 2007 educating thousands and speaking on several platforms.
Dr. Lori is an International Keynote Speaker and has been featured as a guest on many podcasts and radio shows. Of particular significance are her appearance on the Robert Scott Bell Wellness Show, and the Jeff Crilly Show with forner Fox News host. Dr. Lori is a Published Author, contributing chapters on Vibrational medicine. Dr. Lori’s inspiration to make an impact comes from her father, Wisconsin state representative Lewis T. Mittness, and witnessing his monumental involvement with legislation banning DDT. Following in the footsteps of her father, she advocated for halting geoengineering through involvement at the city and state level in Texas and campaigning alongside Dane Wigington a solar expert on the international site Geoengineering Watch. She knew that the environmental toxins in our lives were damaging our health.
Dr. Lori’s motivation to heal others with Vibrational Medicine comes from her witnessing the long-term effects firsthand and with her thousands of clients at the Center for The New Age n Sedona AZ. where she helps those that come to her find true wellness. Electro-Medical Technologies is the future and new paradigm for addressing chronic and acute pain and inflammation. Dr. Lori’s message is one of urgency to merge allopathy and vibrational medicine to create a new paradigm of health and wellness for humanity. Working side-by-side we can influence longer life span with exceptional quality of life. Dr. Lori is here to educate and empower the collective to take charge of their personal health and wellness decisions and know the power of healing is in your hands. She assists clients from all over the US and world. Dr. Lori has facilitated relief from pain and inflammation with such health conditions as, arthritis, back pain/sciatica, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries, acid reflux/gird, tendonitis, chronic fatigue, flu/colds, fibromyalgia, headaches/migraines, joint pain, Lyme disease, neuropathy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune conditions. Her Wellness Reboot Session covers the scope of health and wellness by scanning all bodily systems and assessing current level of functioning. Her sessions are available both in person and remotely.
At the Biomed Expo Dr. Lori shows how our blood since 2020 has now changed and is now transforming demonstrated in a powerful power point presentation. She offers at the show: Demos on frequency devices to reduce and eliminate pain and inflammation.
Website: SedonaQuantumWellness.com
Friday 2:00 PM to 3:15 PM, Temecula Room, Second floor.
Electroceuticals… How Our Blood Is Transforming

Dr Scott Werner was born with the gift of higher dimensional sight, which means that when he “tunes in” to someone, he would not only see them in the physical level but also “see” them on multi-dimensional levels. Scott had two near death experiences when he was young. The first time was at the age of 13 and the other at the age of 20. Each time that he came back into consciousness, he returned with the inner knowing that his role in this life is to assist in the healing of humanity, and his “gifts” were enhanced to the degree that he intuitively sees into the physical body.
In 1986, at the age of 29, Scott was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, with multiple lesions on his spine and brain. Even though he was working at one of the best medical facilities in the United States, his was given only 3 months to live. Unsatisfied with that prognosis, he went home and prayed for guidance. In a dream that night he was told that he would heal his own cancer. And he did just that by using parasite cleanses, changing his diet, and releasing emotional blockage in his life. He began studying herbs, and their healing properties. This started his extensive path into alternative healing methods. Using parasite cleanses, herbs, toning, nutritional support, and detoxing the body.
Scott used herbs, homeopathic and energetic remedies, and Chelation therapy in the improvement of health and wellness in “un-treatable illnesses and dis-ease”. He relinquished his medical license in Utah and Arizona and left traditional medicine in 2005 and opened an herb store in St. George Utah. Scott truly believes that all dis-ease is a combination of too much toxicity and not enough nutrition in the body, coupled with emotions that deplete our health. He has a very spiritual understanding to the approach to wellness and has worked extensively with world class healer, Katherine Beck. Scott has lectured extensively to private and professional groups throughout the United States educating them about multiple healing modalities, and herbal products. He is very gifted, incredibly insightful, informative, animated, and entertaining. He has lectured on many health subjects ranging from Parasites to virus and from nutritional support to healing energy blockages. He has thousands of clients all over the world, who have sought him out for his knowledge of the healing process.
Presentation: Using the GOD’s Love manifestation to upgrade your health and life.

Saeed is the CEO of BIOED EXPO, Founder of New Humanity Movement & Founder of B3 Sciences
Saeed David Farman is an international Icon a Futurist, New Humanity Movement Founder a global consciousness movement & CEO of 5D events.
Saeed is a Health and Wellness Researcher, he is a Pioneer of Quantum Transcendental Transformation Shift in ASCENSION. Since 1985 he has been in consciousness research. Saeed has traveled to Energy sites in Cusco, Machu Picchu in Peru, Brazil, Iran, Thailand, Mexico, France, Italy, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria and Glastonbury, UK.
Saeed is the CEO/ Director of Biomed EXPO, 5D Events a Health, Science & Consciousness event business in Los Angeles, Berkley, Las Vegas and London for past 12 years which it has changed many lives in each event for many people.
For past 25 years Saeed has been be researching different fields and sciences such as UFOLOGY, ET contact, MARS, Terra Forming, Teleportation, Time travel, Spiritual UFOLOGY in ET Contact, Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, Mysticism, Sufism, Bible Code, Pyramidology, Meditation, Prophecy, Energy Healing, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Future Life Regression 30,000 years forward, had few Near Death experiences, Flotation Tank out of body research that has changed his views in life. Saeed Studied Advanced Pure Mathematics in UK passed the university of London test plus Computer Science extension courses in UCLA, California.
Saeed has 27 years of Management experience in computer industry been CEO, President and Vice President of different companies in Distribution and manufacturing with managing over 30 employees he has achieved over $20 million in annual sales record in D& B record in 1994. Saeed has also studied Sufism of Grand Saint of all saints Ibn Arabi of Andalusia, Spain & Moulana Jalaaudin Rumi’s Philosophy under Sufi Master PIR Vilayat Inayat Khan former head of Sufi order of America the Chishti Sufi order for many years. Saeed is IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) Advanced Energy Healer and is a Life and Relationship Coach..
Saeed has New Visions for New Humanity that will change the future like nothing before!
New Humanity Movement consists of a global group of Awakened, Humanitarian, Peace loving humans who believe in a new Earth with common goals for a totally different future outcome, our Movement is currently rewriting a new Future in a positive direction for mankind by bringing forward new ideas and ways for living in harmony and peace with a universal code of ethics and standards, New Humanity Movement is a Global one has no borders & looks at humanity as one entity, members discuss, share, research and implement new possibilities in Science, Technology, Health, Healing, ET contact, Space exploration, Spiritual expansion & Transformation of Consciousness, Permaculture and how to create a new path for Humanity with Global Peace, Freedom, Free energy, Free Speech, moving away from current banking system, Geo Engineering, GMO food industrialization, Mind control spying systems, Militarization, Secret societies, Nuclearization of the planet, Warmongering strategies & Enslavement of masses, purpose of the New Humanity Movement is to help assist our whole planet to shift into a higher state of consciousness & awareness.
Panel Host of:
***Medical Panel: Friday March 24th, 2023
Panel Host of:
***Achieving Results Panel: Sunday March 26th, 2023 8:00 PM
Culmination of what we said and learned at this event.
Panel Speakers: All speakers at the event.

Debbie hawkins
Debbie Hawkins is a B3 Sciences founder and certified BFR coach. Having spent a lifetime pursuing various fitness modalities and researching natural healing and anti-aging solutions, she has found that BFR is simply the most effective and easiest method on the market today. Come hear her amazing story and how B3 sciences can make a life changing difference for anyone.
B3 Blood Flow Restriction Bands For Muscle Growth, Weight Loss, Better Health (b3sciences.com)
Saturday 3:10 PM to 3:50 PM, Main Conference Room
Benefits of Blood Flow restriction

Shehnaz is an accomplished Aerospace Engineer, an Author, a Health and Transformational Coach, an Energy Healer, and the proud Mother.
Shehnaz was born and raised as an orthodox Muslim in Karachi, Pakistan. From day one, she was asked to fit inside a box that didn’t align with her true calling. She grew up feeling trapped within a patriarchal, cultural mindset where women are groomed, expected to be wives and homemakers, and not encouraged to go to school. Being a bright and headstrong young girl, she pushed over one barrier after another in her determination to complete her high school education and go on to college. Shehnaz graduated high school as the valedictorian and continued engineering at the University of Karachi despite persistent cultural and familial abuse and degradation as a female.
Upon her arrival in the United States, she faced a new set of challenges, including financial, cultural, and language barriers—as she tried to acculturate to her new life. Shehnaz reawakened her trailblazer instincts and chose the path of transformation. Therefore, as a transformational coach, she uses the bio-individuality philosophy, meaning everyone is unique.
Shehnaz has worked as a rocket scientist for both Boeing and NASA. Her most recent work at NASA includes the Artemis Project. She and her cutting-edge team of aerospace engineers have developed requirements for the unprecedented Human Landing System, also known as HLS. When ready to launch, this system will finally bridge mankind with a long-term presence on the Moon and ultimately on Mars. The Quantum Being by Shehnaz Soni is part memoir and part guide for humanity, bridging science and spirituality to help the reader realize the truth of their magnificence as human beings on the journey to manifest their own miracles. Shehnaz believes that we all have the power to live an incredible life as quantum beings. She teaches Quantum Physics implementation in daily life to heal and reprogram un-serving beliefs and patterns.
As we undertake the daunting task of transformation, we embark on the journey that will ultimately become habitual, automatic, and effortless – akin to a rocket leaving the Earth. At first, the initial launch requires enormous power, then less and less as it leaves the Earth’s gravitational field. Finally, the rocket moves through space under its own momentum breaking all the barriers, beyond imagination to traverse new worlds.
Quantum Healer
Website: www.shehnazsoni.com
Book: https://geni.us/QuantumBeing
2:00 PM to 3:15 PM, Temecula Room, 2nd floor.
The Quantum Being
The Quantum Beings bridges the gap between the two sides of the ladder. One above, another below. These two sides are physical and non-physical, spiritual and science, faith and fact, and Physics and metaphysics.
Speaker of the Quantum Consciousness Panel:
***Quantum Consciousness Panel: Sunday March 26th, 2023, 2:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Panel Host: Saeed David Farman
Panel Speakers: Dr. Sean David Morton, Dr. Scott Werner, Ryan Veli, Gary Bonnell, Azucena Avila, Shehnaz Soni & Geraldine Orozco.

Registered Dietitian, Yoga Instructor, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Energy Medicine Practitioner & Medical Intuitive
Nichola Burnett has been practicing in the field of holistic health and wellness for 30 years and is the founder of Back to Balance Functional Wellness Center in Las Vegas, NV; a wellness center that utilizes Functional Medicine and Energy Medicine practices to assist people with addressing their health-related challenges. The foundation of her practice is based upon the basic concept of empowering people to take an active role in managing their own healing with protocols that focus on resolving physical ailments by addressing and correcting the root cause of the issue – not the symptom expression.
Her passion lies in assisting others with their own healing process on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level using a variety of very practical and effective techniques and technologies used at her center to include: Body Scanning Devices, Dental Medical Thermography, Detoxification, Human Design, Neuromuscular Reeducation, Live Blood Nutrition Microscopy, Energy Work, Plasma Fields, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Scalar Technology (EESystem), Theta Chamber, and Nutrition Consulting to name a few.
Presentation: New Era of Natural Healing Technology.

Amelia Brummel is a mother, entrepreneur, educator, and consultant with over a decade of experience connecting victims of personal injury to the best experts and treatment options throughout the country for their hopeful recovery and settlement claim.
More specifically, Amelia has been on the cutting edge of advanced neuroscience and technology within the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) space and is a leader helping these victims prove this invisible injury and obtain the help they deserve. Her own personal journey put her on a path of self-actualization and enlightenment that led her to discover the true potential of oneself when science and spirituality come together. If we have access to tools at our fingertips that are helping to increase the neuroplasticity in brains of traumatically brain-injured or concussed patients, why not use these same techniques to help those struggling with cognitive dissonance?
Amelia is passionate about helping individuals raise their awareness to their own higher consciousness so they can have the life they desire more easily. Helping others get into their “flow” state of BEing and BELIEVING in themselves is key. The more we can help others to see their own light and spirit within, the more unified our whole collective will be and see each other as ONE.
Presentation: Learn how to easily manifest the life you desire and be in the flow state no matter what life throws your way.

Michael Schratt (private pilot/aviation historian) has been investigating UFO encounters for over 28 years. Between 2008 and 2009, Michael meticulously reviewed a minimum of 50,000 cases which were preserved at the CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) archives in Chicago. In an effort to maintain an important part of our national history, Michael has re-created dozens of highly credible UFO cases by the use of drawings, illustrations and commissioned artwork. Many of these include USO (Unidentified Submerged Objects), actual extraterrestrial encounters, and pre-history UFO cases which have never seen the light of day. Michael has appeared on multiple media platforms including the following: Coast to Coast AM, History Channel, Paranormal Matrix, UFO Hunters, Fade to Black. In addition, Michael has been a guest speaker at multiple UFO conferences including the following: Phoenix MUFON, Orange County MUFON, International UFO Congress, MUFON Symposium, 5D events and UFO CON.
Saturday 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM, Santa Cruz Room, 2nd floor.
Retrievals of The Third Kind, Cosmic Crashes, Corpses and Cover Ups
In this 90 minutes detailed and highly illustrated presentation, Michael Schratt will present the most exhaustive examination into the Leonard Stringfield UFO Crash/Retrieval cases. Leonard’s sources included pilots, engineers, medical doctors, pathologists, high level Pentagon officials, U.S. Navy and Air Force personnel. These first-hand sources claimed to have had first-hand knowledge/interaction with alleged Extraterrestrial debris, bodies and recovered craft. Topics to be included are as follows: 1946 saucer retrieval at Wright Patterson AFB, 1947 UFO retrieval near Globe AZ, 1947 amazing discovery at Berkeley University, 1947 military retrieval of a UFO near Salinas CA, 1948 C-119 “Flying Boxcar” UFO retrieval with bodies, a startling discovery at the Pentagon in 1952, Warrant Officer observes three ET bodies at WPAFB in 1953, 1955 Mexican UFO retrieval south of Del Rio TX, the 1955 TOP SECRET warehouse of UFO components stored at WPAFB, the incredible account of a U.S. Marine who guarded a UFO for two weeks in 1963, UFO retrieval at Fort Riley KS in 1964, the most bazaar visit to the Air Force museum in history which occurred in 1965, TOP SECRET underground facility at Fort Hood TX, 1973 “tear-drop” shaped UFO recovery and the connection to Howard Hughes, Air Force photographer makes a shocking discovery inside a UFO during 1973, Challenger astronaut witnesses bazaar film of ET bodies at McClellan AFB in 1973, and many more.

Robert Potter
Robert is a world renowned, real physical contactee of the Venusians and the Pleiadeans. He shares his knowledge freely about the travelers from these worlds. He has been having actual physical encounters with our space family since he was 17-1975.
He has given seminars all over the world including Egypt, Japan, Australia, Austria, England, Bolivia, Peru, Canada, China, Europe, and USA. He has also appeared on numerous Radio and TV shows and been interviewed in countless magazines and newspaper articles for over 45 years. Rob has just recently on Nov. 22nd ,2019, met the Venusian Commander Aura Rhanes. Rob can share how this natural meeting took place in a public place. He is happy to be able to speak about the messages of love and peace that they told Rob to give to the world. In this first-ever exclusive official Venusian message and contact he is allowed to share with the public is a simple message.
The 8 questions that he asked were answered and recorded with a digital camera. This was an arranged interview of answers from a female Venusian spaceship commander acting as a Venusian emissary. The answers are elegant and are very beautiful messages in and of themselves. His friend and fellow contactee Raymond Keller helped arrange this very real meeting and encounter. In the message we will receive directly from Rob will give The Venusian Hierarchy of Lights message of love & hope for the people of earth. Rob leads sacred site tours to South America, Mexico, Bolivia and Peru and Egypt and Hawaii to name a few. Rob is working very closely with Venusians, and he says their philosophies and technological advancement can surely serve to enlighten earth towards an era of peace and prosperity for all. Robs personal face-to-face contacts are increasing and have given him much new and relevant information to share with the world. Rob says to heal our world and create peace we should emancipate our minds and free ourselves from tyranny to be able embody equality justice liberty and fraternity in our societies. Can we grasp the reality of what is happening? and we can accept the message and act on the wisdom offered from our solar brothers and sisters from Venus? We the ground crew and light workers of the world must unite and play our part in the awakening of humanity. Our efforts can hasten the day of liberation and ease the earth through the process of birth into a new and the exciting day. If we selflessly work together, we will end war, hunger and the universal discord and anxiety that plagues our beautiful planet.
Website: thepromiserevealed.com
Presentation 1: Saturday March 25th, 2023
Venusians and Pleiadeans Amongst Us
Presentation 2: Workshop, Sunday March 26th, 2023
Venusian and Pleiadean and Andromedan Healing Technologies.

Michelle Jewsbury is an international philanthropist, speaker, author, and coach. In August 2016, Michelle focused her efforts on ending domestic violence. In July 2017, Michelle founded Unsilenced Voices, a 501(c)3 nonprofit focused on inspiring change in communities around the globe by encouraging victims to break free and survivors to speak up about domestic violence and sexual assault. She has since completed and published her personal memoir, But I Love Him. Michelle offers digital courses and private coaching programs to help people overcome challenges to create even more personal and professional success. She speaks about turning your story into a movement or business to leave a Lasting Legacy. For more information visit www.unsilencemyvoice.com
Presentation: Create a lasting Legacy

Julia Galasso
Master of Ceremonies, Tartaria and Hollow Earth Researcher
Julia is a seer who specializes in remote viewing. Focused on all things underground including advanced ancient crystalline technology she frequently encounters in underground viewing sessions. Passionate about using her skills to decode ancient tablets and relics such as recent success viewing ancient tablet Wyatt Earp found in Arizona. Julia preaches soul development by confronting blockages, healing ancestral bloodlines, teaches remote viewing techniques, purifying blood holistically, balancing gut, discovering your purpose, and therapeutic movements. She can be seen on VICE TV Network remote viewing Telos on an episode about Hollow Earth.
Presentation: Tartaria, Ancient Technology & Inner earth.

Azucena is a Self-realized being, a light worker, a healer, and an Initiator to the spiritual science of “Light and Frequency of the Heart”. Through her blessings and spiritual expertise, she cancels all karma from past lives and prepares the body for ascension. She holds the key which opens the portals to other dimensions, past lives, and the Akashic records of nature.
She is an expert in the spiritual, mental, emotional health. She has aid thousands of people with emotional problems, depression, suicidal tendencies as well as people who are having spiritual difficulties by expediting their spiritual process.
- USA President of Messiah Foundation International-Universal Sufi Order.
- Grand Master of the “Belvaspata” –Healing of the Heart through Light and Frequency-.
Ordained Gnostic Priestess and Instructor from the Gnostic Institute of Anthropology –Since 2001 within the monastery of Saint George, Quebec, Canada-
Certificate on The Holigral Method _-Retreat Facilitator – holigral.com –
- Certificate on Theta Healing DNA I & II
- Kalachakra Initiation by H.H. The Dali Lama –Azucena was awarded with the Kalachakra initiation, considered one the highest levels on initiations that H.H. The Dali Lama rarely performs within Tibetan Buddhism-
- Founder of The New United World Trade Center, –NUWTC Is an organization to assemble conscientious leaders of a wide variety of practices to engage in dialogue, sharing ideas and expertise, to enliven a sustainable balanced practice of humanity-
Azucena conducts individual coaching consultations, and retreats on spirituality, yoga, and meditation. She enjoys the development of the inherent talent and spiritual potential flourishing due to the radical transformation taking place within her students, and disciples. To schedule workshops, group gatherings or individual interviews or to sponsor her radio or TV shows please contact her at: Or Email: azucenagnosis@hotmail.com
Clearing Old Karma/Activation of Time Portal and the Akashic Records
A group regression to the past to neutralize and resolve bad karma, mental and emotional conflict, bad relationships depression, stress, anxiety, etc.
- Karma is neutralized
- Mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing
- Peace and harmony
- Infinite possibilities and empowerment become available
- Spiritual evolution is activated and accelerated
- Divine reason for spiritual purpose and existence become available.

Eric is Retired Whistleblower of the California DEPT of Public Health
Eric received his BA in Fine Arts from UCLA in 1986 but kept studying his favorite topics and chose his concentrations to be in three areas: Indian, Pre-Columbian, and Islamic Art History.
In 1971, he entered the gifted program which included being tested at Lawrence Livermore and Stanford Research Laboratories. This “gifted” class was tested for psychic ability and their DNA was analyzed and stored. Let us just say he is still figuring out what really is going on there. Eric took college classes at 12 years of age at the same time as he was in elementary school!
His pet peeves are Cancer lies, aspartame, sodium fluoride, GMOs, Chemtrails, Smart meters, cellphone radiation, Wi-Fi radiation, cellphone tower radiation, and Fukushima radiation. Please “like” Eric the Healer’s page on Facebook, and friend him as Eric Dadmehr on Facebook.com and LinkedIn.com as well.
Presentation: Liver Detox

Presentation: Galactic History

Dame Sandra Biskind is a global spiritual teacher, keynote speaker and co-author of 4 international #1 best-selling books including CODEBREAKER: Discover the Password to Unlock the Best Version of You.
12:15 PM TO 12:50 PM, Main Conference Room
5D Quantum healing by the speed of thought and light.

After getting an honors degree in mathematics, Phillip Wilson had an out-of-body experience in 1970, started meditating, and in 1971 had a Kundalini awakening, which propelled him into another dimension, guiding him to start fasting and drastically change his diet. in 1980, he opened an herbal natural super foods specialty shop and distributing company focusing on promoting massage tools and products increasing one’s awareness and perceptual acuity.
In 2001, Phil discovered the magic of Far infrared Saunas. After 20 years of experiencing and promoting the benefits of cleansing and purifying far infrared sweats, Phil is uniquely qualified to talk about how far infrared energy purifies and cleanses all the bodies of man in order to open one up to divine joy.
Presentation: Therapeutic Benefits of far infrared energy.

Alan is an explorer of consciousness technologies and the Mind-Body-Spirit relationship, as well as most tech and AI development. Integrating his knowledge of intuitive energy, DNA perfection, accessing creative flow, 5D timelines, non-physical and the general nature of the universe, he has connected the dots of various beliefs and tools to help forward our evolution toward euphoria.
Tools & Techniques for Wellness
This is a dense crash-course exploring the various functional wellness products and technologies currently available to accelerate our spiritual growth, vibrational frequencies, scalar connections and overall health. We’ll learn practical methods to think with your heart, access our intuition, connect with source, heal the cells of our bodies, balance our center and perfect our RNA to be ready for the next shift. We will also run through the “best-of” super-foods, elixirs, topicals, quantum chargers, and various energy devices that very few are aware of. You’ll probably want to take notes.

Geraldine Orozco is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, C.H.T, Epigenetic Psychotherapist, M.T. meditation teacher, N.L.P. neurolinguistics practitioner, mindfulness-based stress reduction therapist, M.B.S.R. Qigong teacher and owner of Bay Area Meditation in San Francisco, she offers virtual corporate meditation programs internationally.
He has 15 years of experience in the arts of holistic energy healing with certifications of advanced pranic healing, quantum energy healing and studied for several years with a shamanic energy healer. In 2013, Geraldine experienced a life-changing conscious interdimensional contact experience that resulted in the activation of the psychic abilities of the multidimensional body and the energy field. In 2017, Geraldine underwent hypnotic regression therapy. The regressions confirmed a lifetime contact history. Geraldine uses her deep understanding of the multidimensional body and life force manifestation on the 3D physical plane. It is able to see experiential agreements of trauma, fragmentation, Akashic records, energy stagnation in etheric bodies. He created a healing modality called DNA reprogramming, a modality of epigenetic psychotherapy to access, identify, heal, and transmute trauma fragmentation.
Geraldine is now dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge of biophysical architecture, hybridization programs and the re-examination of the common dogma of human genetic timelines, historical recording, and the advanced healing of human biological structure. He is currently writing his first book. The origins of DNA and the Human Hybridization Program. Founder of HybridMother.com, an international research and support group for experimenters and contactees of identification phenomena.She is on the board of directors of O.P.U.S., the Organization for Comprehension and Support of Paranormal Sciences. Geraldine’s story is now part of the 16-time award-winning documentary called “Exerary the Seeding”. She is a radio presenter, artist, international speaker and Youtuber YouTube.com/geraldineorozco
Website: Geraldineorozco.com
Presentation: Holographic DNA -The Morphogenetic Field the link between freewill and Ascension.
We take a deeper look at the role DNA plays in our spiritual evolution both from the somatic emotional component to epigenetic programming. We look at an intelligence that transcends our understanding of nature, truth and potentially the key to human Ascension and Inter dimensional navigation.

The Galactivators
The Galactivators offer a multicultural and multi-faith self-healing experience through the powers of music and dance. Our unique performances are tailored to all kinds of events, from intimate gatherings to large festivals. Our music is designed to activate audiences’ self-healing abilities with interactive call and response techniques, empowering lyrics, and communal dance. Based in Long Beach, California, we serve people around the world through our music and spiritual guidance. We understand the challenges people face when seeking empowerment, and we’re here to help.
Presentation: They play live at the Dinner Gala on Friday and Saturday night Dinner