Mike Bara is a New York Times Bestselling author, lecturer, and TV personality. He embarked on his writing career after spending over 25 years as an engineering designer/consultant for major aerospace companies, where he held membership in the Military/Industrial complex1. His first book, “Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA”, co-authored with the venerable Richard C. Hoagland, became a New York Times bestseller in 20072. However, it’s essential to note that Bara is often regarded as a laughingstock among those who genuinely understand physics, astronomy, and the history of spaceflight. His statements on science topics are frequently inaccurate and have drawn criticism from experts3. Despite this, his work has left an indelible mark in the realm of pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.


Saturday OCT 19TH, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, Room Zeus A


In this presentation NYT bestselling author and TV personality Mike Bara will analyze the latest Pentagon and military “UFO/UAP” videos and discuss their credibility as alien spacecraft. Footage will also be shown of genuine craft performing impossible maneuvers in low Earth orbit from the space shuttle missions STS-48 and STS-80 for comparison, as well as footage taken by Mike himself on set for the Discovery series “Uncovering Aliens.” Next, we will analyze the current political/media agenda around the UFO phenomenon and discuss whether it points to a true and honest disclosure process – or something more sinister. Are we opening up into a more honest relationship with government secrecy, or are we being led down a dark path toward a controlled and very limited outcome? Join the session and find out what the next steps along the path of disclosure will be.


Saturday OCT 19TH, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Room P3

***Secret Space Panel: Information on Secret Space Programs

Panel Host: Mike Bara
Panel Speakers:

Kerry Cassidy, Brad Olsen, Saeed David Farman. Eric Dadmehr & Brooks Agnew.




Kerry Cassidy is the CEO and Founder of Project Camelot.  Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well-known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting live shows weekly.  She is interviewed on top shows weekly and has interviewed over 1,900 people over the past 19 years on both radio and video available on Rumble, Odysee, Bitchute and on PROJECT CAMELOT aka – and is a leader in the alternative media sector. The original Project Camelot YouTube channel (now deleted and banned on YouTube) had over 70 million unique viewers worldwide and over 312,000 subscribers.  ALL VIDEOS NOW AVAILABLE ON THE PROJECT CAMELOT MEDIA LIBRARY.

Kerry is a widely known broadcaster and travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers, and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension, and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. She leads yearly tours to Egypt and other ancient sites.  Her yearly conference Awake and Aware held in the UK has produced a number of video streaming packages available to view (banned on Vimeo at the same time she was banned on YouTube due to censorship.  See new Vimeo channel set up for VOD of recent 2023 conference here:   Video conference footage now available on this website.  Also see Kerry’s 5-star book “Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity”, now available on Amazon.

Presentation: Sunday OCT 20TH, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM, Room P3





Brad Olsen is the author of ten books, including three in his Esoteric series: Modern EsotericFuture Esoteric, and Beyond Esoteric. He has been featured on numerous television shows including Ancient AliensAmerica Unearthed, and Mysteries of the Outdoors. He’s been interviewed for dozens of radio broadcasts including Coast to CoastFade to Black, and Ground Zero, and he was featured on the front page of the SF Bay Guardian in September 2014. Brad is also the founder and co-producer of the How Weird Street Faire in the SOMA neighborhood of his home-base San Francisco. Brad was featured on the front page of SF Bay Guardian in September 2014. An award-winning author, public speaker, YouTube content creator of the “Esoteric Circle,” book publisher and event producer, his keynote presentations have enlightened audiences at Contact in the Desert, Awareness Life Expo, the 5D events, and many other forums around the country. Olsen’s interests and occupations also include illustration and photography.

Presentation Friday OCT 18TH, 2024 from 2:00 PM to 2:50 PM, Room P3


This workshop will explore the possibility of evidence for a massive UFO craft under the ice of Antarctica.  Brad will share his latest research on the megalithic structures of an antediluvian civilization, pyramids in the Shackleton or Ellsworth Range, and the reports of giants and Ice Age animals being uncovered from under the ice.  Why are important dignitaries, scientists, politicians, religious and notable officials of countries around the world suddenly visiting Antarctica – a location that has been dubbed the “Illuminati Disneyland”?
How many people actually go to Antarctica per year? Why is there a large “no fly” zone near the South Pole? Could that suggest an opening to “Inner Earth” or perhaps an ET base?  Why were the Nazis obsessed with their land claims in Antarctica? Could Antarctica be the lost continent of Atlantis?  Wouldn’t the inland portions of Antarctica disprove the “Flat Earth” theory? Do the old maps, such as the Piri Reis map, determine the continent was mapped long before the 1820s, when the first sealers and whalers set sight of the continent?  These “hidden anomalies” and many more will be explained and explored! 
Explore the hidden anomalies of Antarctica that Brad discovered on his recent travels to this frozen land. 


Sunday OCT 20TH, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, Room Zeus A

***Panel of Transhumanism VS Humanity


Panel Speakers:

Kerry Cassidy, Mike Bara, Chris O’Connor, Ryan Veli, Brooks Agnew & Eric Dadmehr



Ryan is a speaker, teacher, father and champion of human rights in a high technology reality.

As a former military intelligence contractor and near-death experience, Ryans role as an analyst blend elements

from both the seen and unseen worlds to present a holistic view of the current terrain and challenges our civilization now faces.


Sunday OCT 20TH, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 10:45 AM, Room Zeus A


A discussion on the biological transformation of the Human race, Soft Robotics, Organoids, Cyborgs, Androids, WBAN, Nanotech as well as an update on AI progress. Aimed at preparing and educating people for the mass deployment of robots, synths and droids beginning in 2025.



Keynote Speaker: Chris O’Connor

Chris O’Connor incarnated on Earth in 1968 in Glendale, California, USA. Chris was an award-winning student in high school winning, (but unfortunately not receiving), The National Merit Award in 1984, an honor reserved for a single student chosen from among all American high school students. Chris’ life journey has allowed him access to the feature film industry and to work shoulder-to-shoulder with A list celebrities. Chris was a journalist working for the largest international publishers. Chris also researched, designed and built exhibitions for some of the best known and acclaimed science museums around the world.

Chris says when I chose to incarnate through my parents, it was because I felt that through them, I could most easily find my way into being taken at the age of 2 years old into the Secret Space Program also called the SSP, (a generic term commonly used for several secretly established space programs here on Earth). There, I would recall many of my memories of who I was and why I had chosen to be incarnate on Earth so that I may be of assistance to the Confederation of Planets; an organization with whom I had been closely working for many, many years. This assistance would come in the form of disclosure, assisting the ascension of humanity, and working with many alien species throughout the solar system and galaxy as a representative of Earth through the United Nations and the US based SSP. After multiple near death and out-of-body experiences leading to many years of deep introspection and inner seeking, Chris learned the importance of understanding the universe to be a consciousness and that ALL things are based in vibration and frequency. This led him to understanding the subtle energies available to us all. In 2020, Chris invented the DEEMS Device. Through a powerful magnetic field, the DEEMS Device focuses ambient Earth energy, creates a slight piezoelectric energy, and creates a vortex of energy used to work with the nervous system to relieve pain, assist in healing and balance the body’s energy system. 



Friday OCT 18TH, 2024, from 12:45 PM TO 1:45 PM, Room Zeus A

My time in the SSP and my life on Saturn’s Moon of Mimas.

How fourth-density humanity will evolve to return to the stars.

Keynote Speaker Steven D. Kelley

Electro-Optical Engineer, Laser pioneer, Inventor, Author, EX CIA/NSA contractor, Military consultant & Super Soldier.

Steven was involved with Billy Meier team for security, and technical evaluation of Pleiadean technology. Disclosed use of fine silver as high resolution construction material of beam ships using massive photo lithographic methods. He developed Technique to produce very thick high purity silver coatings used by the USA to prove light speed travel by using silver as a lasing media to achieve light speed. Was a recruitment target for area 51 by the NSA, and another agency with no name. Interacted with two Draco, on different occasions. I had men in Black in my lab. Was building a free energy device using this technology before the shadow GOV shut down the LAB. 

Presentation 1:

Friday OCT 18TH, 2024, from 1:00 PM To 2:30 PM, Room Zeus C

Quantum Computers & Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Computers, Quantum entanglement, and how Quantum technology will alter reality. I will discuss Quantum Computer construction, technology, and theory. I will show how Qbytes, and Qmodes will alter reality by accessing electrons in the astral by quantum entanglement, and how this will change the world as we know it.


Presentation 2:

Saturday OCT 19TH, 2024, from 12:15 PM to 1:45 PM, Room P3

The Secrets of the Santa Monica Mountain Bunker

It was twelve years ago at the 5D Events, Irvine, California where Steven D. Kelley first disclosed the ultra-top secret underground base below a certain museum on top of Santa Monica Mountain in Los Angeles California.
The painful reality is that the best way to know what is true is to pay attention to that which is not allowed to be talked about. The masters will allow you to hear lies, and propaganda because it serves to distract, confuse, and cast doubt on real issues. Steven will talk about this bunker and his mission to end this corruption and evil, talk on the entrances, tunnels, technology, and rituals. He will share victim survivor testimony, to become part of this is to become part of the solution. Take this opportunity to meet Steven D. Kelley and become part of history.



Saeed is the CEO of BIOMED EXPO, Director of Alien event & Founder of the New Humanity Movement.

Saeed David Farman is an international Icon a Futurist, New Humanity Movement Founder a global consciousness movement & CEO of 5D events.

Saeed is a Health and Wellness Researcher, he is a Pioneer of Quantum Transcendental Transformation Shift in ASCENSION. Since 1985 he has been in consciousness research. Saeed has traveled to Energy sites in Cusco, Machu Picchu in Peru, Brazil, Iran, Thailand, Mexico, France, Italy, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria and Glastonbury, UK. Saeed is the CEO/ Director of 5D Events a Science & Consciousness event business in Los Angeles, Berkley, Las Vegas and London for past 8 years which it has changed many lives in each event for many people.

 For past 25 years Saeed has been be researching different fields and sciences such as UFOLOGY, ET contact/ Exopolitics, MARS, Terra Forming, Teleportation, Time travel, Spiritual UFOLOGY in ET Contact, Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, Mysticism, Sufism, Bible Code, Pyramidology, Meditation, Prophecy, Energy Healing, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Future Life Regression 30,000 years forward, had few Near Death experiences, Flotation Tank out of body research that has changed his views in life. Saeed Studied Advanced Pure Mathematics in UK passed the university of London test plus Computer Science extension courses in UCLA, California. Saeed has 27 years of Management experience in computer industry been CEO, President and Vice President of different companies in Distribution and manufacturing with managing over 30 employees he has achieved over $20 million in annual sales record in D& B record in 1994. Saeed has also studied Sufism of Grand Saint of all saints Ibn Arabi of Andalusia, Spain & Moulana Jalaaudin Rumi’s Philosophy under Sufi Master PIR Vilayat Inayat Khan former head of Sufi order of America the Chishti Sufi order for many years.

Saeed is IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) Advanced Energy Healer and is a Life and Relationship Coach. Saeed has New Visions for New Humanity that will change the future like nothing before!

New Humanity Movement consists of a global group of Awakened, Humanitarian, Peace loving humans who believe in a new Earth with common goals for a totally different future outcome, our Movement is currently rewriting a new Future in a positive direction for mankind by bringing forward new ideas and ways for living in harmony and peace with a universal code of ethics and standards, New Humanity Movement is a Global one has no borders & looks at humanity as one entity, members discuss, share, research and implement new possibilities in Science, Technology, Health, Healing, ET contact, Space exploration, Spiritual expansion & Transformation of Consciousness, Permaculture and how to create a new path for Humanity with Global Peace, Freedom, Free energy, Free Speech, moving away from current banking system, Geo Engineering, GMO food industrialization, Mind control spying systems, Militarization, Secret societies, Nuclearization of the planet, Warmongering strategies & Enslavement of masses, purpose of the New Humanity Movement is to help assist our whole planet to shift into a higher state of consciousness & awareness.

Presentation: Thursday OCT 17TH, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM, Room Zeus A

Opening the Gates of Consciousness

***Founder Saeed David Farman, talk, chanting & prayer.


^^^Grand Panel of Alientologists

Friday OCT 18TH, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 4:45 PM, Ballroom ZEUS A

Panel Host: Founder Saeed David Farman

Panel Speakers:

Kerry Cassidy, Chris O’Connor, Brad Olsen, Brooks Agnew, Ryan Veli, Jerry Sargeant, Theresa Morris, Shahrokh Zadeh, Hans Dietrich, Eric Dadmehr, Dr. Kosol Ouch, Geraldine Orozco, Bret Lueder & Brad Markus.


Sunday OCT 20TH, 2024, from5:45 PM to 6:30 PM, Room Zeus A

Panel Host of: Achieving Results Panel: 

Culmination of what we said and learned at this event.

Panel Speakers: All speakers at the event.


Featured Guest Speaker: Shahrokh Zadeh

Shahrokh Zadeh, was born in Iran, has migrated to the United States in 2009. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Solid State Physics, earned in 1994, as well as a Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MIS), completed in 2019. Shahrokh has a lifelong enthusiasm for scientific disciplines, and his comprehensive research in these fields has equipped him to communicate his insights publicly—even when the subject matter is complex or challenging. For Shahrokh, delving into the unknown not only reveals the mysteries of our universe but also broadens the scope of human knowledge.

At the upcoming ALIENE EVENT COSMIC COMMAND, LAS VEGAS, Shahrokh will delve into the intriguing findings from his second book, Sha’Z Mystic Lines and Areas – Part 1: Geomathematical Insights into the Mysteries and Introducing the Utah Triangle. This work represents a pioneering approach to understanding the enigmatic geographic and paranormal phenomena across the United States. Utilizing geomathematics, Shahrokh unveils patterns and relationships within geographic locations known for their mystery, including the Bridgewater Triangle, Lake Michigan Triangle, and Nevada Triangle, culminating in the mysterious Utah Triangle, home to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch.

Step into the realm of mystery and revelation with Shahrokh Zadeh’s captivating books: “Sha’Z Square” and “Sha’Z Mystic Lines and Areas.”

In “Sha’Z Square,” journey through time as Shahrokh unveils the mathematical wonders of ancient civilizations. Delve into the interconnectedness of historical sites like the Ziggurat of Dur, Ziggurat of Ur, Ziggurat of Chogha Zanbil, and the Taq-e Boston Site, forming the astounding Sha’Z Square. Marvel at the unexpected correlations that link these structures to iconic landmarks like the Kaaba, Giza Pyramids, Sphinx, and more. Could this mysterious square hold the key to the center of Earth’s lands and the merging of continents?

Continuing the expedition in “Sha’Z Mystic Lines and Areas,” Shahrokh embarks on an enthralling exploration of the most enigmatic locations in the United States. Armed with geomathematics, Zadeh uncovers hidden patterns within the Bridgewater Triangle, Lake Michigan Triangle, and Nevada Triangle, revealing Sha’Z Mystic Lines and Areas—a gateway to the unknown. Prepare to be intrigued as the Utah Triangle, home to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, comes to light, stirring the realms of the unexplained. These two groundbreaking books converge to offer an unparalleled journey into the world of ancient wonders and unexplained phenomena. Shahrokh Zadeh’s unique approach, combining mathematics with historical analysis, challenges conventional wisdom, igniting a new understanding of ancient civilizations and enigmatic locations.

Presentation: Saturday OCT 19TH, from 12:15 PM to 1:45 PM, Room Zeus B

The Math Behind the Myths

Exploring Earth’s Most Enigmatic Areas and Mysteries, Where Science meets Mysteries.



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