Geraldine Orozco

Epigenetic Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Life Force Cultivation Master

Geraldine is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Meditation Master, NLP Practitioner, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Therapist, Qigong Master and owner of San Francisco based- Bay Area Meditation. She has certifications in Advanced Pranic Healing, Quantum Energy Healing and she Studied with a Shamanic Energy Healer. In 2013, Geraldine experienced a life changing inter-dimensional contact experience which resulted in the activation of psychic abilities of the multidimensional body and energy field. In 2017 she uncovered a life-long history of contact. Geraldine Created a healing modality called DNA Reprogramming, in order to access, identify, heal and transmute trauma fragmentation of the soul. She is currently writing her first book: DNA Origins and the Human Hybridization Program. Founder of, Co-Director of O.P.U.S –The Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support. She is a Radio host, Artist, Intl Speaker and Youtuber.


The Biological Effect of Love on our DNA

The Activation of our multidimensional awareness through the mastery and regulation of our emotions and bio electrical system is the key to Designing the Conductivity of the body. A higher conducive body lends to the activation of our higher faculties and healing of our body, mind and soul.



Brad Markus

Brad studied Psychology at Western Illinois University, Macomb Illinois, and Religion and Education at Trinity College in Deerfield Illinois.

Since 2014 he has been exploring and connecting to the Consciousness Awakening that is increasing, and the sightings of UFO’s and ET Contacts. He dives into Ancient Hidden Wisdom, Spirituality, and the history of humanity, he is an independent researcher on the current awakening, and people’s experiences with Extraterrestrial Contact, and Contactees, the phenomena of the Starseeds and their possible connection to the Lost Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria, and the Inner Earth Civilizations. Brad has researched about Sumerian Epics and History, comparing traditional academic studies with the current theories of the Anunnaki as being the Progenitors of Humanity. Brad will be presenting some of his ideas based on current research into the Anunnaki and their connection to the Ancient World and our possible future. 


Anunnaki and their connection to the Ancient World and our Future.




Bret Lueder

Bret received his bachelor’s degree in journalism, with an Option in Public Relations, from Chico State University in 2000. Since then, he has gone on to write roughly 700 articles on alternative history, spirituality and UFOs for such magazines as Magical Blend Magazine, UFO Magazine, Reggae Festival Guide, the Chico News & Review, and currently Phenomena Magazine online out of Scotland and Paranoia Magazine out of the Bay Area, among many others.

He has written two books. The first is, Song in Your Heart: The Story of the Search for the Lost Note, Volume I in a three-part series titled, the Esoteric Guide to the Reggae Vibe series, illustrating the role of the “Roots Reggae Rasta” in terms of a global struggle for the control of human consciousness. Volume II, Tales of a Heavy Heart: UFO’s, Magic and Impending Doom, is due out in late 2025. Bret is also writing Agents of Ascension: UFO PR due out in Fall of 2024. In his most recent book, A UFO Hunter’s Guide (2012), by Weiser Books in San Francisco, he breaks down the muddled field of Ufology into processible chunks both highlighting the field’s infamous history and the context with which a Ufologist finds themselves today. Unlike any other book on the market, it even includes Tips from the Pros as many of today’s top investigators contributed key facets of many techniques, approaches and strategies pertinent for the investigator.

Bret has also produced two double-disk DVD sets of interviews with Speakers from the Bay Area UFO Expo titled, the Esoteric Guide to the Bay Area UFO Expo Volumes I & II. Volume III, a three-disk set of interviews, is in the works. He has also produced a two-disk DVD set with booklet titled, Esoteric Guide presents inside Mt Shasta, with two lectures revolving around Lueder’s work with the Ambassador of Telos, Dianne Robbins, as well as a new two-disk set with booklet about the law in America titled, An American Law Primer (2022), with two lectures, the first is titled “Who are You in the Eyes of Government” which discusses the magic of the “NAME” and the second one titled “The Spiritual Side of Traffic Tickets” describes aspects of how the NAME is used against an individual in court. 

Presentation: Agents of Ascension, UFO PR

Is humanity being gently guided towards Ascension with the use of Public Relations? And are there forces attempting to block this using their own Public Relations tactics?




Martin Liedtke, Streamed Live from Wales, UK

Martin is one of the early pioneers of the online Truther Movement. Since 2014 he’s been dropping truths with his popular YouTube channels, Martin is the originator of the now popular phrase AntiquiTech (the free energy technology) of the Old World. He’s a published Author who has recently toured the USA, and the UK. speaking at conventions on the Subject of mud Floods, Tartaria. and the cyclical reset of civilization.

Martin brings his unique perspective on the mysteries of hidden history!


Mud Floods, Tartaria and the cyclical reset of civilization



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