Brooks Agnew grew up in Pasadena, California hanging around JPL and Cal Tech. He entered the Air Force in 1973, where he graduated top in his class in electronics engineering. He received his Bachelor of Science with honors in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological University.
He is a Certified Quality Engineer, a SixSigma Master and a member of the Society of Automotive Engineering. His scientific consulting company has served for 30 years with the Fortune 100 to save or bring back to America more than 10 thousand highly productive jobs.
After publishing more than 10 thousand articles and technical documents, he authored 7 Amazon best-selling books with 12 titles in print. He is one of the world’s most recognized voices in podcasting today after 18 years on the web. He has been featured on dozens of TV and hundreds of radio programs as well as numerous scientific documentaries. He is a master engineer consulting the Fortune 500 in advanced manufacturing methods. He is a multi-patented engineer and currently the CEO of an electric truck manufacturer in North Carolina.
Presentation: Thursday OCT 17TH, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Room Zeus B
The Truth about the ET Presence
Sunday OCT 20TH, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, Room Zeus A
***Panel of Transhumanism VS Humanity
Panel Speakers:
Kerry Cassidy, Mike Bara, Chris O’Connor, Ryan Veli, Brooks Agnew & Eric Dadmehr

Jerry’s mission is to set the human race free by expanding consciousness on Planet Earth through the Star Magic Matrix, a powerful energetic grid of light that is being constructed around our planet.
Jerry knows about setting ones-self free. Being a drug addict from a young age and walking a different path, which led to a life of crime and mixing with some of the world’s most dangerous criminals, Jerry broke free from this life after several life altering events. A near fatal car crash, a trip to Alpha Centauri in a space craft, an encounter with an Angel and time spent in Egyptian Mystery Schools underneath the Great Pyramids, led him to insights and precious information enabling him to access and harness a super-transformative light healing technology.
Jerry’s ability to heal has been likened to some of the most powerful healers in history, having healed broken bones, removed tumors, cysts, dissolved fibromyalgia, healed hearts as well as healing broken relationships and super-charging businesses to achieve massive success. Star Magic, as well as being the most powerful healing modality on the planet, is a lifestyle. It’s an opportunity to be free, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It’s a way of being free to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want, for as long as you want. Star Magic is a way of life, a lifestyle that you will live with passion, once you harness and know the power that lies within your own genetic make-up. Star Magic is the key to unlock the door to a free, loving and compassionate world. A space nurtured and cradled in love. Jerry’s vision is to harness extra-terrestrial light frequencies and bring them safely and effectively to Planet Earth, through several Star Magic Healing Facilities, strategically placed around the Christ Consciousness Grid of our Planet. The codes contained within the light will elevate consciousness in a phenomenal way and create freedom for humankind, by connecting every man and woman through their heart, to unconditional love.
Presentation: Thursday OCT 17TH, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM, ROOM ZEUS A
My trip to Alpha Centauri

Eric grew up traveling around the world both learning and teaching as a young child at university level. Learn about Djinn, flying rugs, and super food. Eric is a pioneer speaker on many subjects including Mandela Effect, Deep State, military grade bioweapon jab and its relation to Wi-Fi Biofield, holographic matrix, soul trap reincarnation cycles, free energy, cancer cured many times, Chemtrails, Aspartame, Sodium Fluoride, SLS Sodium Laurel Sulfate, distilled water, He has been speaking on stage over a decade now but really been standing on boxes all his life, preaching love and compassion for humanity.
Presentation: Friday OCT 18TH, 2024, from5:00 PM to 6:30 PM, Room P3
Extra Land beyond Antartica?
Admiral Byrd spoke of the same thing before he died. How do you get extra land beyond the south pole? Think flat plane with an ice wall that surrounds it that we call Antarctica. Why is there no Antarctica on the UN Flag which just happens to be a flat Earth map?!? Let’s look at maps beyond the ice wall through four gates that were controlled until recently by Germans.
Sunday OCT 20TH, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, Room Zeus A
***Panel of Transhumanism VS Humanity
Panel Speakers:
Kerry Cassidy, Mike Bara, Chris O’Connor, Ryan Veli, Brooks Agnew & Eric Dadmehr

Presentation: Sunday OCT 20TH, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM, Room Zeus B
Alien Modalities and Quantum Consciousness Enhancements

Hans Dietrich is an accomplished professional whose extensive travels across 22 countries have enriched his expertise in both cultural and esoteric knowledge. Raised in Kathmandu, Nepal, Hans offers profound insights into Corporate, Esoteric, and Occult Symbolism. His deep understanding spans a range of intriguing subjects, including Shambala, Mt. Meru, the Mahabharata, Vimanas, and the elusive Yeti. He also explores the fascinating connection between ancient Buddhism and the star system of Sirius.
Hans’s expertise further encompasses the enigmatic Dropa Stones, the nomadic Drokpa people of South Asia, and the rich tapestry of legends surrounding Nepal. In his upcoming lecture, Hans will unravel the connections between these diverse subjects and the star system of Sirius, delving into the legends and lore of the Dropa.
Presentation 1: Friday OCT 18TH, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM, ZEUS B
Dropa Lores and legends and the and Buddhist connection to Sirius
Presentation 2: Saturday OCT 19TH, 2024, from 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM, Room Zeus C
Ancient Khemit, or Egypt
Hans Dietrich’s second lecture is a fascinating deep dive into the complexities of ancient Khemit, or Egypt as the Greeks named it. He will be exploring areas that are often overlooked in mainstream discussions, such as:
Khemitology: The study of ancient Egyptian culture, focusing on aspects that go beyond what is commonly taught.
Cosmology and Symbology: How the Egyptians’ views on the cosmos and their symbols might differ from Greek interpretations.
Matriarchy: The role and influence of women in ancient Egyptian society, which may not align with typical historical narratives.
Changing Names: The significance of names and their evolution over time in Khemitian history.
Ancient Connections: The potential links between ancient Egypt and the Americas, exploring theories of trans-oceanic contact.
Mysterious Sites: An examination of Egyptian sites and phenomena that challenge conventional historical perspectives.

Geraldine Orozco
Geraldine is an Intuitive DNA Reprogrammer and Ascension Coach. On October 15, 2013, Geraldine experienced a vivid abduction from her bedroom window where she recounts being taken on board a ship and meets tall grays that introduce her to her eight hybrid children. This The next morning she encounters a hypersensitivity to the human electromagnetic field. This discovery initiates a journey to find the truth about what happened.
Her first hypnotherapy, in June 2017, results in the discovery of repeated abductions originating in her childhood. She recounts her abductions through her regressions in which she brings forth information regarding the universe and ancient DNA alterations here on planet earth that operate to control the population through hidden government manipulations. But her journey does not end there. Geraldine undergoes 4 additional regression, Nov. 10, 2017, Dec 2017, Feb 2018 and March 2018 in which she goes deep into each abduction and the history of the universe in order to understand the reason behind the hybridization program here on and off the earth and how they operate the program among humans. Geraldine goes deep into understanding the purpose of Ascension with the utilization of human technology and DNA information for their ongoing harvest of energy within the Intelligent Universe.
DNA The key To Unlocking Our Interdimensional History

Sheila Knies
Sheila got her master’s degree in teaching Spanish language as a high school teacher from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Sheila was always attracted to the metaphysical field. In 1980, she created a company named “Psychic Seminar”. Her goal was to be able to offer educational lectures and intuitive readings from reputable psychics in the New York area. She was fortunate to have employed some of the top seers in the country such as Suzane Northrop, John Edward (from Crossing Over) and more. Since there were few schools teaching psychic development classes at that time, she created her own school in New York City to continue her goal of educating the public. In addition, she produced and hosted one of the first metaphysical shows ever to be seen on cable TV. Her connections to special people in the paranormal field introduced her to the possibility of ET life.
After years of research and meetings with people in the Secret Space Program, she was asked to lead her own UFO group in Florida, which she did for several years. After relocating to Los Angeles, she became a member of MUFON, The ET Media Group, The Paradigm Organization, UPARS, the Close Encounters Research Organization (CERO) and CERO International. And, after being a long term ‘Inner Circle’ member of NICUFO, she was eventually honored by the head of that organization (Dr. Frank Stranges) giving her the title of Florida Director of the National Investigations Committee on UFOs. Sheila, owner of Best Tours of Sedona, presently continues to educate people on her own UFO tours which she operates regularly in Sedona.
Presentation on Friday OCT 18TH, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 10:50 AM, Room Zeus C:
Rare Known Facts about Valiant Thor from Venus
This lecture will cover Sheila’s connection to Val Thor and extraordinary information received through this contact.

Brad Markus
Brad studied Psychology at Western Illinois University, Macomb Illinois, and Religion and Education at Trinity College in Deerfield Illinois.
Since 2014 he has been exploring and connecting to the Consciousness Awakening that is increasing, and the sightings of UFO’s and ET Contacts. He dives into Ancient Hidden Wisdom, Spirituality, and the history of humanity, he is an independent researcher on the current awakening, and people’s experiences with Extraterrestrial Contact, and Contactees, the phenomena of the Starseeds and their possible connection to the Lost Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria, and the Inner Earth Civilizations.
Brad has researched about Sumerian Epics and History, comparing traditional academic studies with the current theories of the Anunnaki as being the Progenitors of Humanity. Brad will be presenting some of his ideas based on current research into the Anunnaki and their connection to the Ancient World and our possible future.
Presentation: Anunnaki and their connection to the Ancient World and our Future.