Brooks Agnew grew up in Pasadena, California hanging around JPL and Cal Tech.  He entered the Air Force in 1973, where he graduated top in his class in electronics engineering.  He received his Bachelor of Science with honors in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological University. 

He is a Certified Quality Engineer, a SixSigma Master and a member of the Society of Automotive Engineering. His scientific consulting company has served for 30 years with the Fortune 100 to save or bring back to America more than 10 thousand highly productive jobs.

After publishing more than 10 thousand articles and technical documents, he authored 7 Amazon best-selling books with 12 titles in print.  He is one of the world’s most recognized voices in podcasting today after 18 years on the web. He has been featured on dozens of TV and hundreds of radio programs as well as numerous scientific documentaries.  He is a master engineer consulting the Fortune 500 in advanced manufacturing methods.  He is a multi-patented engineer and currently the CEO of an electric truck manufacturer in North Carolina. 

The Truth About the ET Presence




Eric is a Pioneer, Researcher, and Experiencer in the UFO Field his whole life. As a seven-year-old child he tried to convince his parents the moon landing on TV in 1969 was fake and knew because he went there! Then the sightings started if many spaceships. At 18, he witnessed his sister levitating and pushed through a wall to a waiting ship just outside to run some tests for the hybrid reproduction system. In the 1980s and 1990s, he met and interviewed many speakers like Bob Lazar and even flew to Europe to meet and visit Billy Meier the Swiss Farmer in his hometown HinterSchmidtruti! He became a public speaker in 2013 and has spoken at many disclosure conferences since, flying under the radar as a Whistleblower.

Extra Land beyond Antartica?

Admiral Byrd spoke of the same thing before he died. How do you get extra land beyond the south pole? Think flat plane with an ice wall that surrounds it that we call Antarctica. Why is there no Antarctica on the UN Flag which just happens to be a flat Earth map?!?  Let’s look at maps beyond the ice wall through four gates that were controlled until recently by Germans.




Born 1973 of November 10.
Country: Cambodia
Current residence: Garland, Texas 
 My Name is Dr. Kosol Ouch, I Belong to secret space program from the far future. I have advanced knowledge, training and practicality in quantum consciousness, to be used as both weaponry and restoration of the individual well. Being on the level which they need. I have advanced modalities in 
Many areas such as operating a UAV, how to build, operate, restoration of mind & body and interface with the quantum A.I. of the ship itself.
We have both elemental and Demensional control : by using both quantum consciousness modalities and super advance quantum A.I. device, satellite network and other quantum technology that can enhance also facilitate the process.  
 I wish would share my knowledge, Modalities and technology to everyone that want this blessing from the future.
We can teach you how to tap into your you higher consciousness through our modalities and technology so that you can repairs yourself.
Come with me for adventure of a lifetime and you too will reach you full potential with the use of my knowledge and modalities. So, you can fully advance your rainbow body.  To full fill your life purpose in every incarnation.



Alien Modalities and Quantum Consciousness Enhancements




Hans is an award-winning graphic, presentation and marketing designer who has traveled the world and adventured thru 22 countries. Hans grew up in Kathmandu Nepal for the first half of his life and has extensive knowledge around the subjects of Corporate, Esoteric and Occult Symbolism, Shambala, Mt Meru, the Mahabharata, Vimanas, the Sirius connection to ancient Buddhism, the Dropa Stones, UFOs and the lore and legends of Nepal including the Yeti, as well as knowledge and experience with ancient Peru, ancient Egypt and Khemit, Nepal, India, Tibet, and Bhutan.


Dropa Lores and legends and the and Buddhist connection to Sirius



 Tartaria and Hollow Earth Researcher

Julia is a seer who specializes in remote viewing.  Focused on all things underground including advanced ancient crystalline technology she frequently encounters in underground viewing sessions. Passionate about using her skills to decode ancient tablets and relics such as recent success viewing ancient tablet Wyatt Earp found in Arizona.  Julia preaches soul development by confronting blockages, healing ancestral bloodlines, teaches remote viewing techniques, purifying blood holistically, balancing gut, discovering your purpose, and therapeutic movements.  She can be seen on VICE TV Network remote viewing Telos on an episode about Hollow Earth.


 Tartaria, Ancient Technology & Inner earth



Angel Tchonev

Angel is a Contactee, Galactic Medium, Reiki Master, Pranic Healer, Sound Healer, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Yoga Teacher. His background in Computer Engineering has allowed him to take a scientific approach in examining the metaphysical aspects of existence. In 2012, Angel underwent a spiritual awakening and activation of his multidimensional perception. He has traveled to sacred sites across The United States, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and other parts of Europe, performing grid work, ceremonies, meditations and healings. He leads group classes and energy work training programs, empowering others to align with their Ascension timeline. Angel has synthesized all he has learned to find the Source Consciousness within himself and inner stand our oneness with all of creation. He has dedicated his life to restoring and anchoring the original Divine Blueprint on Earth, in accordance with the Cosmic Laws of Creation.

Connecting to Higher-Dimensional Beings

Angel will be speaking about his multidimensional experiences and communications with higher-dimensional beings. He will outline a process for activating higher faculties and abilities within our DNA. He will provide methods for discerning which communications are authentic, as well as lead you to connect with the highest version of yourself, your guides and your soul’s lineage. Angel will speak about timeline shifting, explaining his method for aligning with the optimal potential timeline. Angel will demonstrate how we can consciously connect with higher-dimensional beings and aspects of ourselves, to anchor the Ascension codes here on Earth. Angel will then channel information and codes in the form of Light Language, to activate each participant’s DNA. This may awaken a multitude of psychic, healing, dimensional traveling and other supernatural abilities that lay dormant.



Geraldine Orozco

Geraldine is an Intuitive DNA Reprogrammer and Ascension Coach. On October 15, 2013, Geraldine experienced a vivid abduction from her bedroom window where she recounts being taken on board a ship and meets tall grays that introduce her to her eight hybrid children. This The next morning she encounters a hypersensitivity to the human electromagnetic field. This discovery initiates a journey to find the truth about what happened.

Her first hypnotherapy, in June 2017, results in the discovery of repeated abductions originating in her childhood. She recounts her abductions through her regressions in which she brings forth information regarding the universe and ancient DNA alterations here on planet earth that operate to control the population through hidden government manipulations. But her journey does not end there. Geraldine undergoes 4 additional regression, Nov. 10, 2017, Dec 2017, Feb 2018 and March 2018 in which she goes deep into each abduction and the history of the universe in order to understand the reason behind the hybridization program here on and off the earth and how they operate the program among humans. Geraldine goes deep into understanding the purpose of Ascension with the utilization of human technology and DNA information for their ongoing harvest of energy within the Intelligent Universe.


DNA The key To Unlocking Our Interdimensional History

DNA is a profound Database of information. We are now understanding its holographic nature. Included in this information are the mechanics of data processing of human’s environment and physical vessel. New studies have shown that trauma can be traced back 15 generations. What else is being passed down? We navigate the subconscious mind to access and navigate this information based on the study of contactees, hybrid children and intuitives.


Nate Grey was enhanced with mutant DNA as an embryo. He has encountered some aliens and has been hypnotized with words and poems that can control him and turn his abilities off and on when the person with the codes activates him.  He was exposed to Aliens early in life encountering small grays and a spacecraft.  Nate has been told that he has clones even though he has no memories of meeting any of them.  Nate is trying to raise awareness about the aliens and about the existence of human mutation and government projects related to it and the existence of Department of Naval intelligence and the spacecrafts they are reverse engineering.  

Presentation: Alien Races 


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