Patrick K. Porter, PhD is an award-winning author, educator, consultant, entrepreneur, and speaker. With 20 years of experience operating the largest self-help franchise in the world, he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry, having sold over 3 million of his self-help products worldwide.

Dr. Porter has been on the cutting edge of brainwave entrainment technology for 32 years. He was a co-developer of the MC2, the first personal light & sound brain training machine, voted “Best New Gadget of the Year” at the 1989 Consumer Electronics Show.  And his team was voted the “Best New Health APP” at 2019 Consumer Electronic Show. 

About Dr Patrick Porter – BrainTap Inventor



Presentation: How Light, Sound and Vibration is Changing How You improve Brain Function.

During this presentation you will learn how light, sound, vibration and health care make you the go to health professional for concussions and other brain trauma.  Dr. Patrick Porter (PhD) will reveal how the application of light and sound frequency is changing the way we treat brain injuries and how Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is guiding the science. From the amateur athlete to your local professionals, you will learn the steps that are available to over 3000 clinics and used in 40 countries. Dr. Porter will show that the use of brain care, light and sound frequencies can change the way the body repairs itself.



Dr. Rajiv Parti’s near-death experience brought him on a journey through the afterworld, leading to a spiritual awakening that transformed his career, his lifestyle, and even his fundamental beliefs.

Before his near-death experience, Dr. Rajiv Parti was a wealthy man of science with a successful career as the chief of anesthesiology at the Bakersfield Heart Hospital in California. He demanded the same success from his son, whose failures provoked episodes of physical abuse from Dr. Parti. All in all, Dr. Parti was the last man to believe in heaven or hell – that is, until he saw them with his own eyes. (Who is Dr. Raj?)

When Dr. Parti had his near-death experience (My NDE Journey) on the operating table, he first watched his own operation from the ceiling – even recalling a joke told by his doctors during his surgery. He was greeted by archangels and his deceased father, who led him through the tortures of hell and revealed the toxic cycle of violence that has plagued his family for generations. He even reviewed the struggles of his previous lives, which in many ways reflected those he still faced in the present. Finally he experienced heaven. From the angels he learned 7  lessons of spiritual health that they insisted he bring down to earth. Dr. Parti did so by developing Consciousness Based Medicine.

After his near-death experience, Dr. Parti awoke a new man. He gave away his mansion, quit his career, opened a wellness clinic, and completely turned around his relationships with his family. To this day he still converses with angels and spreads their wisdom to the living as well as being a physician. In this remarkable true story of spiritual transformation, Dr. Parti provides rare details of heaven, hell, the afterlife, and angels. In sharing the lessons and eternal truths from the divine that changed him forever, Dr. Parti offers his audience the opportunity to attain peace and live better lives here on earth. By combining his NDE experience and his Consciousness Based Medicine he has developed methods to help people.


Presentation: Consciousness Based Healing

 Raj Parti MD following a profound NDE in December 2010,
left his career as Chief of Anesthesia and became Spiritual Healer.
His methods are called Consciousness Based Healing. 
how healing of our Consciousness leads to healing at all levels, Body, Mind and Soul. You will learn practical ways, as how you can use these methods in your daily life.


Dr Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D., scientist, megalithic and pyramid sites researcher, internationally acclaimed speaker and author of 18 books on ancient civilizations.

He is known worldwide as an expert on pyramids and has researched the sites of pyramidal constructions in various countries, including China, Mauritius, Indonesia, Cambodia, the Canary Islands, Egypt, Peru, El Salvador, Guatemala, Bolivia, Honduras, and Mexico, and has traveled to more than 100 countries. He was an anthropology professor at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and a foreign member of Moscow’s renowned Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, which counts many Nobel Prize winners among its members. He is also a fellow member of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria in Egypt.

Dr. Sam Osmanagich has opened a whole new chapter in the World of archaeology.

In contrast to the archaeologists at other sites, he uses an interdisciplinary scientific approach. He has demonstrated that the oldest and best pyramids served as energy amplifiers rather than being constructed as tombs.



Keynote Speaker DR. ROBERT Young

Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology, whose principle-if proven-could revolutionize the biology and medicine worlds.” Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D. Former Head of Research for John Hopkins University.

In 1993, Dr. Young received a MS in nutrition from the American College in Birmingham, Alabama. In 1995, he received his D.Sc. with emphasis in chemistry and biology. Dr. Young’s doctoral dissertation was on Disseminated Intravascular Blood Coagulation and Pathological Blood Coagulation. In 1997, Dr. Young received a Ph.D. from Clayton College of Natural Health. His Professor, James E. Harvey from San Diego State University, reviewed and accepted his dissertation as completing all the requirements for a Doctor of Philosophy degree in nutrition. Continuing his studies and research, Dr. Young later received an additional doctorate degree in naturopathy (ND) from Clayton College (1999). The pH Miracle series of books have sold over 10 million copies, have been translated into 29 languages and are gaining a widespread following internationally in over 159 countries.

Dr. Young is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists, the Microscopy Society of America, the American Naturopathic Association, an honorary member of the Connecticut Holistic Health Association, the Presidents Council at Brigham Young University, a consultant for Inner Light, Inc.,  pH Miracle, Inc., organizing committee member for the Conference on Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases in Dubai, UAE, and an advisor to Dean Lawrence Carter at the Martin Luther King Chapel at Morehouse College. He was honored by Professor Lawrence Carter at Morehouse College and inducted into the collegium of scholars as well as placed on the advisory board.

Professor Carter made this statement about Dr. Young’s work: “With over 52 books on the market, Dr. Robert O. Young has established himself as the preeminent scientific researcher on how to balance the body chemistry and achieve one’s ideal weight. Every African American and African Caribbean, every person suffering from type I and type II diabetes, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, heart disease and youth obesity, and every person reared on ‘soul food’ needs to discover the pH Miracle and the rejuvenating recipes that alkalize and energize an over acidified diet.”

“I have made this revolutionary dietary paradigm shift an official part of my professional ministry because it eliminated my acid reflux without prescriptions and reduced my weight by 50 pounds in less than two months. This reduction in weight greatly speeded reduction of my PSA level after seeds-implant treatment for low-grade prostate cancer. Dr. Young’s nonviolent peace diet is the natural scientific solution for a healthy body that is free from the warring of excess acidity. With Dr. Young’s new biology and nutrition program, pastors and congregations will rediscover the miraculous link between nutrition, health and spirituality.” —The Reverend Dean Lawrence Edward Carter Sr., Ph.D.; Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel; Gandhi Institute for Reconciliation; Founder, Gandhi, King, Ikeda Legacy of Building Peace Exhibition; Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia.


Injuries & Death caused by Graphing Oxide Amplified by 5G.




Dr. Johnny Delirious 

In the early 1980’s, Johnny Delirious worked with one of the first pioneers of the scientific modality – Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA): James Davenport. There in Davenport Laboratories in North Dallas, Dr. Johnny found the right diet to experience a life free of disease. Medical Doctors early on used these protocols to truly follow what Hippocrates taught thousands of years ago; let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. From his laboratory work and training doctors about his own recovery protocol he has helped many others including professionals – doctors, dentists, lawyers recover who don’t want chemical drugs or surgery from the same conditions that everyone said were hopeless and fatal.

For several decades Dr. Johnny conducted seminars and soon all this knowledge base expanded into the Master Survivor University. Today, Dr. Johnny is a bestselling author, radio host celebrity and gives his expert advice with over 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry. There is only one Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor Johnny Delirious, Master Survivor ™ his work is truly beyond Ph.D.


Presentation:  Ancient Wisdom is Today’s Greatest Health Secret. 



Ryan Veli

Began his career as an enlisted military officer for the USANG in 1997. Transitioning into the Information Operations (IO) field after 2001 and later contracting for the USAF as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in 2007.

In civilian life, serving as a dedicated technology teacher for over 22 years. Mentoring tech students in University, College, and the military. In relation to the business world. Ryan has participated in many Startups and conducted security consulting for several fortune 500 companies. As a dedicated seeker, Ryan has studied many occulted and obscure subjects and has firsthand experience with piercing the veil through multiple NDE’s and other Psychonautic techniques. With decades of knowledge in technology, the US Military, and the Occult.

Ryan is giving notice to the world regarding both the threat and potential that lies in Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Control Grid.

A journey from the self into the digital future.

Examining human consciousness transformation into a new trans-human life

form in our midst. Through an exploration of self, we discover universal oneness and unlock the mysteries of out-of-body experience (OBE). With an understanding of human consciousness, we reveal the coming internet 2.0, artificially intelligent life forms, and the potential for an airtight digital control grid usurping human beauty, freedom, and the soul itself. Once sufficiently terrified, we will introduce potential solutions and positive utilization of technological advancements, with an overall intention to raise consciousness, seed solutions and dispel the ignorance of technological realities.

Presentation 1:  Outliving Globalism

Exploring practical alternative survival

solutions and positive applications of super-technology in 2023 and
beyond. Looking into some very old and very new innovations produced by
Earth civilizations to strategize a post-Statist, pathway into a new
Humanity. Followed by a general update on the progress of AI and the
totalitarian mega state that is currently in the “takeover” phase of the
globalist agenda.


Presentation 2: Plant Based Medicines and Technology

Modern innovations and technology aids for plant based therapeutics. An analysis of medicinal
plants including Cannabis and Mushrooms in the treatment of various
forms of illness. Examination of the wide range of conditions that can
be resolved once the Human body’s natural capabilities are stimulated to produce long term wellness and healing.




 Business Coach, Venture Capitalist, CEO/Founder of Powerteam International, World Renowned Speaker, Successful Entrepreneur, Marketing Expert, Radio, Internet, and Television Celebrity

Bill Walsh® is the CEO/Founder of Business Coaching/Venture Capital firm Powerteam International. Bill hosts and speaks at events all over the world! His passion is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners to create massive success. He loves to help people to understand specifically what it takes to build successful companies. He is an accomplished author, speaker, radio personality and movie celebrity, He has a very successful background in finance and marketing. He has spent two decades working with start-ups to major global brands increasing sales, productivity, and overall success. He is an innovator with a remarkable ability to determine and dictate success strategy to seize global market opportunities.

For everyone that owns a business or would like to capitalize the entrepreneurial dream his message will enlighten them with knowledge and action principles to turn that passion into success! Bill has an extensive background in foreign currency trading, real estate development and building companies around the world. Over the past two decades, he has specialized in helping companies launch, grow and create exponential valuation in the market. The Rainmaker Summit and WIN University® programs offered through Powerteam are designed to assist entrepreneurs in creating the focus, plans and partnerships required to build multi-million-dollar companies!

Presentation: How to Survive & Thrive in any Economy



Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology, whose principle-if proven-could revolutionize the biology and medicine worlds.” Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D. Former Head of Research for John Hopkins University.

In 1993, Dr. Young received a MS in nutrition from the American College in Birmingham, Alabama. In 1995, he received his D.Sc. with emphasis in chemistry and biology. Dr. Young’s doctoral dissertation was on Disseminated Intravascular Blood Coagulation and Pathological Blood Coagulation. In 1997, Dr. Young received a Ph.D. from Clayton College of Natural Health. His Professor, James E. Harvey from San Diego State University, reviewed and accepted his dissertation as completing all the requirements for a Doctor of Philosophy degree in nutrition. Continuing his studies and research, Dr. Young later received an additional doctorate degree in naturopathy (ND) from Clayton College (1999). The pH Miracle series of books have sold over 10 million copies, have been translated into 29 languages and are gaining a widespread following internationally in over 159 countries.

Dr. Young is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists, the Microscopy Society of America, the American Naturopathic Association, an honorary member of the Connecticut Holistic Health Association, the Presidents Council at Brigham Young University, a consultant for Inner Light, Inc.,  pH Miracle, Inc., organizing committee member for the Conference on Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases in Dubai, UAE, and an advisor to Dean Lawrence Carter at the Martin Luther King Chapel at Morehouse College. He was honored by Professor Lawrence Carter at Morehouse College and inducted into the collegium of scholars as well as placed on the advisory board.

Professor Carter made this statement about Dr. Young’s work: “With over 52 books on the market, Dr. Robert O. Young has established himself as the preeminent scientific researcher on how to balance the body chemistry and achieve one’s ideal weight. Every African American and African Caribbean, every person suffering from type I and type II diabetes, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, heart disease and youth obesity, and every person reared on ‘soul food’ needs to discover the pH Miracle and the rejuvenating recipes that alkalize and energize an over acidified diet.”

“I have made this revolutionary dietary paradigm shift an official part of my professional ministry because it eliminated my acid reflux without prescriptions and reduced my weight by 50 pounds in less than two months. This reduction in weight greatly speeded reduction of my PSA level after seeds-implant treatment for low-grade prostate cancer. Dr. Young’s nonviolent peace diet is the natural scientific solution for a healthy body that is free from the warring of excess acidity. With Dr. Young’s new biology and nutrition program, pastors and congregations will rediscover the miraculous link between nutrition, health and spirituality.” —The Reverend Dean Lawrence Edward Carter Sr., Ph.D.; Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel; Gandhi Institute for Reconciliation; Founder, Gandhi, King, Ikeda Legacy of Building Peace Exhibition; Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia.



Injuries & Death caused by Graphing Oxide Amplified by 5G.





Robert Scott Bell

In broadcast media since 1999, Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. (American Academy of Clinical Homeopathy 1994) served on the board of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (1999-2001), currently serving on the Board for Trinity School of Natural Health and United Precious Metals Association. Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner, an author and an expert in silver and copper therapeutics.

As a keynote speaker, lecturer and educator, he shares his expertise and practical experience with a broad range of audiences from Health Care and Wellness Professional forums to Natural Industry trade and consumer shows, addressing those who are seeking the depth of his knowledge, education and key insights from his years of holistic practice, supporting effective natural health and healing choices. Robert reversed numerous chronic diseases nearly 30 years ago via homeopathy, herbal medicine, organic whole foods, minerals, essential fats and the transformational power of belief in Divine Spirit. Robert is the father of 2 vaccine-free children, Elijah (22) and Ariana (17), with his wife Nancy. RSB co-authored Unlock the Power to Heal with Ty Bollinger. He hosts the popular Robert Scott Bell Radio Show six days a week, where he discusses everyday health issues from the perspective of alternative and holistic health care. He travels and lectures to bring the power to heal back where it belongs, with each and everyone of you!




Brooks Agnew grew up in Pasadena, California hanging around JPL and Cal Tech.  He entered the Air Force in 1973, where he graduated top in his class in electronics engineering.  He received his Bachelor of Science with honors in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological University. 

He is a Certified Quality Engineer, a SixSigma Master and a member of the Society of Automotive Engineering. His scientific consulting company has served for 30 years with the Fortune 100 to save or bring back to America more than 10 thousand highly productive jobs.

After publishing more than 10 thousand articles and technical documents, he authored 7 Amazon best-selling books with 12 titles in print.  He is one of the world’s most recognized voices in podcasting today after 18 years on the web. He has been featured on dozens of TV and hundreds of radio programs as well as numerous scientific documentaries.  He is a master engineer consulting the Fortune 500 in advanced manufacturing methods.  He is a multi-patented engineer and currently the CEO of an electric truck manufacturer in North Carolina.

Presentation: Remembering the Future.




Saeed is the CEO of BIOED EXPO, Founder of New Humanity Movement & Founder of B3 Sciences

Saeed David Farman is an international Icon a Futurist, New Humanity Movement Founder a global consciousness movement & CEO of 5D events.

Saeed is a Health and Wellness Researcher, he is a Pioneer of Quantum Transcendental Transformation Shift in ASCENSION. Since 1985 he has been in consciousness research. Saeed has traveled to Energy sites in Cusco, Machu Picchu in Peru, Brazil, Iran, Thailand, Mexico, France, Italy, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria and Glastonbury, UK.

Saeed is the CEO/ Director of 5D Events a Science & Consciousness event business in Los Angeles, Berkley, Las Vegas and London for past 8 years which it has changed many lives in each event for many people.

 For past 25 years Saeed has been be researching different fields and sciences such as UFOLOGY, ET contact/ Exopolitics, MARS, Terra Forming, Teleportation, Time travel, Spiritual UFOLOGY in ET Contact, Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, Mysticism, Sufism, Bible Code, Pyramidology, Meditation, Prophecy, Energy Healing, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Future Life Regression 30,000 years forward, had few Near Death experiences, Flotation Tank out of body research that has changed his views in life. Saeed Studied Advanced Pure Mathematics in UK passed the university of London test plus Computer Science extension courses in UCLA, California.

Saeed has 27 years of Management experience in computer industry been CEO, President and Vice President of different companies in Distribution and manufacturing with managing over 30 employees he has achieved over $20 million in annual sales record in D& B record in 1994. Saeed has also studied Sufism of Grand Saint of all saints Ibn Arabi of Andalusia, Spain & Moulana Jalaaudin Rumi’s Philosophy under Sufi Master PIR Vilayat Inayat Khan former head of Sufi order of America the Chishti Sufi order for many years.

Saeed is IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) Advanced Energy Healer and is a Life and Relationship Coach..

Saeed has New Visions for New Humanity that will change the future like nothing before!

New Humanity Movement consists of a global group of Awakened, Humanitarian, Peace loving humans who believe in a new Earth with common goals for a totally different future outcome, our Movement is currently rewriting a new Future in a positive direction for mankind by bringing forward new ideas and ways for living in harmony and peace with a universal code of ethics and standards, New Humanity Movement is a Global one has no borders & looks at humanity as one entity, members discuss, share, research and implement new possibilities in Science, Technology, Health, Healing, ET contact, Space exploration, Spiritual expansion & Transformation of Consciousness, Permaculture and how to create a new path for Humanity with Global Peace, Freedom, Free energy, Free Speech, moving away from current banking system, Geo Engineering, GMO food industrialization, Mind control spying systems, Militarization, Secret societies, Nuclearization of the planet, Warmongering strategies & Enslavement of masses, purpose of the New Humanity Movement is to help assist our whole planet to shift into a higher state of consciousness & awareness. 

Panel Host of:

***Medical Panels: Friday & Saturday night.

Panel Host of:

***Achieving Results Panel: Sunday

Culmination of what we said and learned at this event.

Panel Speakers: All speakers at the event.






After getting an honors degree in mathematics, Phillip Wilson had an out-of-body experience in 1970, started meditating, and in 1971 had a Kundalini awakening, which propelled him into another dimension, guiding him to start fasting and drastically change his diet.  in 1980, he opened an herbal natural super foods specialty shop and distributing company focusing on promoting massage tools and products increasing one’s awareness and perceptual acuity.

In 2001, Phil discovered the magic of Far infrared Saunas.  After 20 years of experiencing and promoting the benefits of cleansing and purifying far infrared sweats, Phil is uniquely qualified to talk about how far infrared energy purifies and cleanses all the bodies of man in order to open one up to divine joy.


Presentation: Therapeutic Benefits of far infrared energy.



Eric is Retired Whistleblower of the California DEPT of Public Health

Eric received his BA in Fine Arts from UCLA in 1986 but kept studying his favorite topics and chose his concentrations to be in three areas: Indian, Pre-Columbian, and Islamic Art History. 

In 1971, he entered the gifted program which included being tested at Lawrence Livermore and Stanford Research Laboratories. This “gifted” class was tested for psychic ability and their DNA was analyzed and stored. Let us just say he is still figuring out what really is going on there. Eric took college classes at 12 years of age at the same time as he was in elementary school!

His pet peeves are Cancer lies, aspartame, sodium fluoride, GMOs, Chemtrails, Smart meters, cellphone radiation, Wi-Fi radiation, cellphone tower radiation, and Fukushima radiation. Please “like” Eric the Healer’s page on Facebook, and friend him as Eric Dadmehr on and as well.

Presentation: LIVER DETOX 






Alan is an explorer of consciousness technologies and the Mind-Body-Spirit relationship, as well as most tech and AI development. Integrating his knowledge of intuitive energy, DNA perfection, accessing creative flow, 5D timelines, non-physical and the general nature of the universe, he has connected the dots of various beliefs and tools to help forward our evolution toward euphoria.



Tools & Techniques for Wellness

This is a dense crash-course exploring the various functional wellness products and technologies currently available to accelerate our spiritual growth, vibrational frequencies, scalar connections and overall health.  We’ll learn practical methods to think with your heart, access our intuition, connect with source, heal the cells of our bodies, balance our center and perfect our RNA to be ready for the next shift.  We will also run through the “best-of” super-foods, elixirs, topicals, quantum chargers, and various energy devices that very few are aware of.  You’ll probably want to take notes.





Amelia Brummel is an entrepreneur, educator, and consultant with over a decade of experience connecting victims of personal injury to the best experts and treatment options throughout the country for their hopeful recovery and settlement claim.

More specifically, Amelia has been on the cutting edge of advanced neuroscience and technology within the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) space and is a leader helping these victims prove this invisible injury and obtain the help they deserve. Her own personal journey put her on a path of self-actualization and enlightenment that led her to discover the true potential of oneself when science and spirituality come together. If we have access to tools at our fingertips that are helping to increase the neuroplasticity in brains of traumatically brain-injured or concussed patients, why not use these same techniques to help those struggling with cognitive dissonance?

Amelia is passionate about helping individuals raise their awareness to their own higher consciousness so they can have the life they desire more easily. Helping others get into their “flow” state of BEing and BELIEVING in themselves is key. The more we can help others to see their own light and spirit within, the more unified our whole collective will be and see each other as ONE.

Presentation: Learn how to easily manifest the life you desire and be in the flow state no matter what life throws your way.




Speaker & Master of Ceremonies

Happiness is our choice. To attract love, you need to be loved! In this workshop, I will invite you to connect with your Heart Chakra and align with your true being. I will share with you 8 secrets of successful relationships and compatibility based on numerology. Through heart chakra healing meditation, we will connect with your higher-self and embrace the Goddess/God within you. Overcome past relationship traumas and heal with the keys of self-love and breakup clearing techniques. Awaken your inner love and balance to become a brand new you!

Ocean Sky has over 15 years’ experience as a Transformational Life Coach, Numerologist, Mystic, Vedic Astrologist, Healer, Intuitive, with a master’s degree in psychology. She speaks and holds workshops all over the world, inspiring thousands of people. She’s learned from Ascended Masters to share the Energy of Love & Light. Her primary goal is to guide you to find your true happiness within.

Presentation: Love connection & Healing Relationships

Workshop: Sacred Numerology




Irena Skoda – Bio Architect • Consultant • Speaker • Entrepreneur

Bio Architecture is an emerging set of principles that takes advantage of natural living energetics beneficial to all living systems. To build and design, it is necessary to understand the geometrical patterns, fractality, and mathematical proportions that form life. Modern buildings today made of steel and concrete obstruct our human potential.

Self-sufficient Sustainable Geometry with Performance is a new “luxury” in residential building design that goes beyond standard to create modern healing spaces that are both energy efficient and enrich 21st century living. It is a synergy of the entire project’s geometry, energetics, magnetics of shape, color, and sound, as well as a wide variety of interconnections to land energetics and astronomy, to promote harmony and well-being in the living ecosystem. Our goal in using Bio Architecture is to create living buildings, use natural materials, harmonize modern technology with energy balancing, and connect conscious design to enhance the future of living for today by improving the energetic health of the buildings we live and work in through design.


Presentation: Energetic Health of Buildings.



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